
What is good or average pay for a waitress in NC?

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What is good or average pay for a waitress in NC?




  1. Expect minimum wage, but if you succeed, you can majk a TON in tips.

    Just ask the manager if he claims tips in your payroll deductions.  

    AND if you have to share tips with the bus boy.

    FREE TIP- the more you sell, the higher the bill(check), then more potential tip for you!

    another free TIP - LISTEN to the customer's order and write it down! And check the order after it's cooked to be sure it is correct.  Don't be afraid of the cook either! It's YOUR customer and YOUR tip.

    OK?  You OWE me for this great advise !    LOL

    good luck. Everyone should wait tables. IT's great work and you meet people.

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