
What is good thinker?

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who is positive thinker in fovour of humannity.




  1. Try Al Gore.

  2. Hard to give a good answer to that.  Too many times, the only criteria people apply to their definition of a "Good Thinker" is whether or not this person agrees with their point of view.

    I believe a "good thinker" is someone like Thomas Edison, or the Wright brothers, who have revolutionized the world through their imagination, and their ability to actually accomplish their dreams.

  3. not Bush!

  4. A good thinker is someone that can look at things critically, from multiple different perspectives.  Knowing that what one understands is only a small portion of the total possible understanding, and understanding that the total possible understanding is merely a subset of complete understanding.

    Simply, someone that knows what they know, knows what they don't know, and understand that they don't know how much they don't know.

    Personally, I'm a very big fan of the ancient Greek philosophers, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.  Aristotle being my favorites.

    As for more modern thinkers, and as much flack as I'm likely going to get about this, Karl Marx.  He got a very bad "rap" for the whole Soviet/Russia communism "thing", which was *NOT* a good or even close representation of what he wrote about.

    Immanuel Kant had some very interesting theories and frameworks he came up with, especially related to critical reasoning and ethics.

    As for more recently? Unfortunately there is not one person that really jumps out for me, which I think is a really sad reflection of what society has become.  And again, at risk of taking some flack, and for lack of a choice, Michael Moore.  Not because I agree with everything that he has to say, but because he give a different perspective, and a perspective that mostly tend to be a unpopular or unheard.  Agree with him or not, one has to admit, you do see a different perspective and point of view.

    Personally, I think we have become all to compliant to accept what is handed to us through the media and take it as truth, with little no analysis.  There seems to be very little "good thinking" going on anymore.

  5. Yup. Al Gore is reeeeeally something special. Just ask him - he'll tell ya.
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