
What is good to add to Classico Tomato and Basil Sauce?

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I know that the sauce is pretty good by itself, but I'd like to have something that tastes a little bit more homemade. I always add garlic and since I have kids, I add small sausages instead of Italian Sausages. I also put in red wine, but my wife thinks that the wine makes the sauce taste tangy. I live in rural Japan and I don't have any way to buy anything too special, I'm still planning on putting in some wine, but is there anything that can counterbalance the tangy taste?




  1. i always add some mushrooms, and either meatballs, or some crumble fried hamburger. if you can find green peppers, they are nice, and zucchini when they are in season.

  2. Wine is always a good option. Obviously white for a lighter style and red for a heavier taste. You can add chopped up chicken to the sauce as a substitute to beef and beef products. I find chicken mince a good beef substitute which is far less expensive.

    Add chopped capsicum, mushrooms, some fresh basil  (if possible) and as stated a pinch to a teaspoon of sugar which will help combat the acidity.  

  3. i always add a spoonful of sugar to most tomato based sauces. you could also add onions, celery and sweet red bell pepper to your sauce. i saute my vegetables first then add to the sauce. good luck !!

  4. Do a 50/50 mix with this sauce; and top with parmesan cheese

    Authentic Italian Alfredo Sauce.

    1 cup of whole milk , 1/2 stick butter

    1/4 cup graded Romano cheese, try to get a good quality Italian imported if you can find it in your area. 3/4 cup of ricotta cheese. 1/8 teaspoon fresh graded or from the shaker, nutmeg. Now, make up on the side, desolve 1 heaping tablespoonful of corn starch and about three tablespoons of cold water enough to desolve the mixture. Seperately, in a sauce pan, gently heat up the milk and the butter, but do not boil, add the ricotta cheese, stiring all the time. Add the Romano cheese, while continuing to heat the mixture.If at this point it is too thin, add more ricotta, if too thick add milk. When it is at the consistancy that you like, add the nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste. Now keeping it smooth stir in the corn starch mixture.

    You should have a smooth store bought like consistancy, except it's homemade, fresh, authentic and it is delicious.

  5. I add 1 tsp of white sugar to my Classico tomato sauce, I find it cuts back on the acidity of the tomatoes and also the tang of the wine that you add.  

  6. Saute onions  is good.This give more touch of a homemade for the sauce.When you add garlic don't chopped them.slice them and don't make it golden.Wine is good  if you will not put a lot.Just enough to balance the taste.Add more extra virgin olive oil when you are already toasting the pasta with the sauce.

  7. I like to saute some finely chopped onions, bell pepper and even some zucchini to boost the veggie level.

    You can try adding a little parmesan or american cheese to the sauce as it cooks... changes the texture.

  8. We always add mushrooms to the sauce. Quite a lot of them! Sometimes we add olives... and yes, we always add more garlic. Are you precooking your garlic? Maybe that is adding extra tang (if you are pre-cooking).

    We also add a handful of spinach sometimes (but dont cook it first, just chuck it in at the end of the cooking).

    Or zucchini - ususaly sliced, but grated gets past the kids easier!

    Oh, and with both the zucchini and the mushrooms, we cook them first.  

  9. put in mozzerela cheese!

    also you might want to try chopped almonds, or chopped mint leaves, choped onion, paprika, rosemary, ginger, brown sugar, cinnimon, mmmm and maybe black beans

    for veggies, try cucumber or pickle bits, or maybe even a touch of sweet relish.

    for fruits, try mangoes bits, pinapple, or peach.

  10. I like to saute an assortment of peppers in a nice spicy wine, with some olive oil and lime juice.

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