
What is good to put in a "sponser me tape" if its getting sent into a pro company? Should i put in music?"

by  |  earlier

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for a flow skateboarding video.




  1. YES!!! Companies hate the sound of popping and sliding of a skateboard. Some even stop it halfway through if you don't have music.

  2. the first thing in the video should be a line that starts in your regular stance so they can see your style. have only one clip of a spot in there unless you did more than one good trick at it. they also like stairs, rails, ledges and gaps. be creative, make non skateable areas skateable. also try and get all your tricks clean and catch them in the air and if your are doing a switch or nollie trick make sure they can tell. also keep it under 2 minuets. dont add bails in it or random shots, keep it purely skating. hope you get sponsored! its fun

  3. Don't include music.  Many companies have no music as a requirement for videos.  Some might want silence and some just the ambient sounds.  If you really want to include some music, include the same video with music at the end of the video as a second chapter.

  4. I would go with a “less is more” approach. Take out ALL sound. Make it silent, no music, no skating noises.

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