
What is grass??is it a drug???

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i've heard grass b4 i just wanna know is it like weed?what happens if u get addicted?




  1. Grass is slang for Weed. You can get mentally addicted. So its easier to get off weed then Tobacco, because you get physically addicted to Nicotine in Tabacco  

  2. yeah maybe..but anyway its not good for you to eat it...=))lol

  3. Some people refer to marijuana as grass (or many other names like weed, pot etc.) If you get addicted it has detrimental effects on your health. Don't do it.

  4. WEEED!

  5. Weed. And yes its addictive, and stay away from it.  

  6. grass is the same thing as weed, no it's not addictive

  7. it's the green stuff that grows in your garden.

  8. yeah its a drug  

  9. grass? isn't it green stuff that rabbits like to eat?

  10. Grass describes monocotyledonous green plants. Grass includes weed. Look at it this way weed IS grass, grass CAN be weed.

  11. umm yes its a drug lol, its call marijuana, also knows as weed, pot etc.

    and if u get addicted, then you become a pot head.

  12. there is 2 diffrent things one grass means the green things and another grass is for drug uses

    the grass is not drug but one of the drugs nickname is grass:D

  13. weed absolutely CAN be addictive those who say it isn't probably smoke it and use that as an excuse. If you get addicted you could start looking for a bigger and better high and it could lead into more dangerous street drugs. Not to mention that c**p gets expensive and it just isn't worth it.

  14. WEED. yes it is a drug, its a weaker form of cannabis, similar to skunk. you roll it with tabacco and smoke it and some people get addicted some dont.

  15. Yes if you seen grass on your lawn, it iss a little known fact that you  can get high by somking it.

  16. Its a slang term for cannabis sativa/indica  

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