
What is grinding? And how do you do it????

by  |  earlier

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I hear tons of people talking about it at dances and parties but what is it really????




  1. its when two people put their asses together and move their hips in sync. its really gross. also called "s*x with clothes on"

  2. Its when people dance while rubbing up against each other

  3. Grinding is feeling up on each other like having s*x.  

  4. Grinding is when people have there butt and there lower are together and its almost like dry humping but instead your moving back and forth and side to side.  Its like s*x with clothes on.  Lots of girls do it with the guy grinding them in the butt.  :/ yeah kinda weird  

  5. When ppl just jam to music and rub up against each other.

    Weird.. I know.  

  6. ummm haha it where your butt is up against a guys put it nicely. And ur rub on him...a lot of ppl do it and it easy but makes u look trashy...and ne one can do its nuthin impressive

  7. you basically rub up against each other girl in front guy in back. u feel the guy's stuff behind u and they feel good with ur a** backin up on them. its actually rly intimate.

    here's a vid:

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