
What is groping?

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what does this mean???




  1. To grab someone in a way that could be perceived as molestation.

    It has connotations of filthiness and assault

  2. It is s**y touching....feeling up.....playing "grab *** at the pass"

  3. An ancient form of Celtic dancing, only practiced illegally now.

  4. Groping is unwanted touching by another without your permission. Usually but not always in a sexual manner. It's a crime.

  5. I think that word has a broad meaning. To some, it can mean touching inappropriately in a sexual way while with others, it can mean being touched without permission. To be on the safe side, don't touch strangers or people you don't know well. Many people don't like being touched.

  6. Hi,

    just to expand on the first answer, it is usually unwanted or unwelcome touching...

    there is usually a negative connotation, one doesn't often say that a loved one was groping, but rather that creepy guy at work keeps trying to grope me - cop a feel.

    in other contexts, it means to feel around - like in a dark room, groping around for the light switch.  like, blindly feeling around for anything or something.

    i hope no one is groping you, if they are please tell someone about it - that is, if you don't want them to, lol.

  7. groping, touching someone with the intention of touching them. "feeling them up" that kind of thing.

  8. touching on another person in a sexual manner.


    "He groped rudely my ***."

  9. Someone grabbing you, especially in sexual places Without your consent. Dont have it!

  10. Very, very fun.
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