
What is hamorrhoids?

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What is hamorrhoids?




  1. The term hemorrhoids refers to a condition in which the veins around the a**s or lower r****m are swollen and inflamed.

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    Hemorrhoids are painful, swollen veins in the lower portion of the r****m or a**s.

    Alternative Names

    Rectal lump; Piles; Lump in the r****m


    This condition is very common, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth. Hemorrhoids result from increased pressure in the veins of the a**s. The pressure causes the veins to bulge and expand, making them painful, particularly when you are sitting.

    The most common cause is straining during bowel movements. Hemorrhoids may result from constipation, sitting for long periods of time, and anal infections. In some cases they may be caused by other diseases, such as liver cirrhosis.

    Internal hemorrhoids occur just inside the a**s, at the beginning of the r****m. External hemorrhoids occur at the anal opening and may hang outside the a**s.


    Symptoms of hemorrhoids include:

    Anal itching

    Anal ache or pain, especially while sitting

    Bright red blood on toilet tissue, stool, or in the toilet bowl

    Pain during bowel movements

    One or more hard tender lumps near the a**s

    Exams and Tests

    A doctor can often diagnose hemorrhoids simply by examining the rectal area. If necessary, tests that may help diagnose the problem include:

    Stool guaiac (shows the presence of blood)




    Over-the-counter corticosteroid creams can reduce pain and swelling. Hemorrhoid creams with lidocaine can reduce pain. Witch hazel (applied with cotton swabs) can reduce itching. Other steps for anal itching include:

    Wear cotton undergarments.

    Avoid toilet tissue with perfumes or colors.

    Try not to scratch the area.

    Sitz baths can help you to feel better. Sit in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes. Stool softeners help reduce straining and constipation.

    For cases that don't respond to home treatments, a surgeon or gastroenterologist can apply heat treatment, called infrared coagulation, to shrink internal hemorrhoids. This may help avoid surgery. Surgery that may be done to treat hemorrhoids includes rubber band ligation or surgical hemorrhoidectomy. These procedures are generally used for patients

  3. Veins in your a**s that clump up. Something like that.

  4. its a puffed up blood vessel i have a couple on my but hole area after having my baby from pushing so hard or sitting on the tolit to long  just use some himorroed cream if on the out side and if on the inside of your butt us the ones you insert in side and get some stool softeners I had it for months and hurt when i went poo lol but its OK now but every once in a whial they get irritated but all is good now if you need anything els let me know.

  5. They are blood clots inside veins in your a**s or r****m.  The veins will swell trying to get the blood to go around the clot. The clots have to either be removed by surgery or by sits baths. But sometimes there is a small amount of blood will pass the clot and gradually disolve the clot.
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