
What is handball????

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What is handball????




  1. a way of life

  2. 1. a game, similar to squash, played by two or four persons who strike a small ball against a wall or walls with the hand.  

    2. the small, hard rubber ball used in this game.

  3. Directly from the USHA website:

    Handball is:

    The Oldest Game Played with a Ball

    The Best All-Around Conditioner, according to the President's Council on Physical Fitness

    Great for Kids since it helps develops both sides of the body and brain to aid in learning.

    The game is not easy, though, and the camaraderie is a result of the players knowing what their peers have gone through to reach any level of proficiency. The use of the off hand, the chasing of a ball traveling off walls and around a room at 80 miles per hour requires the utmost in concentration and that's what draws the game's constituents back day after day for a refreshing workout.

    Handball draws the cream of the crop when it comes to athletes and society. If you haven't already done so, I hope you start playing, join our association, enter and win a tournament, and come visit us at the Handball Hall of Fame.

  4. no idea. thats why im here. lol

  5. 1. a game, similar to squash, played by two or four persons who strike a small ball against a wall or walls with the hand.

    2. the small, hard rubber ball used in this game.

    u have a ball and u have like 4 or 6 guys on a team. and u have to try to throw the ball and hit it against the goal( which is usually a wall). u can run around, and the opponents have to touch u, if they tag u then they get the ball. u can pass it and stuff. and u can run all the way to the goal. and u also have a goalies.

    Good luck!

    best and longest answer.

  6. Team handball is a sport that is sort of like football(soccer) and basketball, u bounce and move a ball up a court and score a goal, its very fast passed and very fun to play, its famous for its jump shots.  The ball used is hard and bouncy, it feels like a soft basket ball and is a bit larger than a size 1 football

  7. The guys in my class play this in pe.

    u have a ball and u have like 4 or 6 guys on a team. and u have to try to throw the ball and hit it against the goal( which is usually a wall). u can run around, and the opponents have to touch u, if they tag u then they get the ball. u can pass it and stuff. and u can run all the way to the goal. and u also have a goalies.
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