
What is happening, I can't really think properly, please help me

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Ok, from October 2007 to April 2007 I felt as though it had become really hard to remember something, like i would try to remember something and then my brain would slowly go around to search for this memory, when it found it, I would be like "ahh now i remember"

Well since May 2007 I have been through a lot of stress and general problems with family and friends, and i foolishly ended it with my girlfriend.

Since May it started becoming harder and longer to remember something. Last week it got to the point where my mind is a jumbled mess., thoughts here, and thoughts there.

Today I realize that its extremely difficult to remember something. Its like my brain is triggered to go and find a particular memory, but its like it comes to a wall, then i just try thinking harder and harder, and then it hits me that unfortunately i can't remember. I can never concentrate long enough to find the memory. I seriously sat there today for an hour trying to remember who i told im going to hang out with today, i got really frustrated and had to give up. I never figured it out till the person called me......

Now its not very long ago memories, i can't remember stuff like where i went with my friends on Monday, or what i at for lunch TODAY, or who I am supposed to meet on Tuesday.

I also doubt its ADHD because i have NEVER shown any signs or symptoms of it except for the memory loss nowadays

Its very hard and i don't know what to do. What could be wrong?

I dont do drugs or smoke or anything. I am 22 and healthy for my age......




  1. go to the doctors you could have something lifethreataning or dangerous!!!

    hope you feel better, and remember  

  2. You neeed to go see a doctor.

    Dont be afraid, but it might be a tumor.

    It might not be, but just in case. &&

    What do you have to lose by seeing one, your just taking the proper precautions. If you do see a doctor, email me so i know how everything went!



  3. it sounds like short term memory to your primary care physician and get them to refer you to a neurologist for testing(catscan,MRI)of the is painless,don't be scared.It should be looked at,it can get worse.sounds like a neurological disorder of the brain.there is really good medication and therapy for need to worry.lots of people suffer from it.Usually is hereditary as well.anyone in your family suffer from neurological disorders?check into and good luck with everything.

  4. i have the EXACT same problem. i seriously was going to make a question exactly like this. any answers would be oh so appreciated! i feel like i'm losing all my childhood memories.

  5. I think it is ADHD, you say you don't have any signs of it , but what you described sure sounds like you are everywhere at once racking your brains out trying to remember something..Try this;

    If it is not life threating just say to yourself, o.k. I can't remember something , so what, relax, don't worry about it, and I'll bet ya a buck it will come to you.

  6. It sounds like you could be suffering from depression.  One of the symptoms is memory loss/confusion.  Talk to your doctor ASAP.  You likely have many other symptoms that you are not even aware of. Please take care!

  7. All the stress is partly why. Also you are trying too hard and worrying about the memories. The brain is like plastic it can be healed of any trauma and rehabilitated. Diet is important. Vitamin b 12 b6 folic acid helps. You can get your memory to working better but you have to relax and not worry. if you lose a memory just wait and don't try it will come back. Prayer helps that is for sure. God can help you. This is a wake up call for you to learn to not worry and stress as much,instead learn about positive thinking. You can find ways to destress in stress managment study also. Going to the doctor is a good idea also since there is a small chance that there could be something else causing the trouble besides worrying and stress.

  8. You are having short term memory loss. Things that happen recently are stored in your short term memory and then after so long they are sent to your long term memory, what is happening is that your memories are not being transferred to your long term memory so you just forget them.

    The only thing I can think of is if maybe you hit your head recently, as in shortly before this started that is a very likely cause. It could also be depression or bipolar disorder, or a side effect of certain medications or if you drink or use drugs on a regular basis. (not trying to imply that you do.) You should really see a doctor because your short term memory is very important, as you can tell.  

  9. Well, I certainly would get to a doctor!!! You are only 22 a long life to live and don't want to live it like this, do you?

    I don't know much about the effects of ADHD but what if it was ADD? Like I said I'm sure about that stuff but you need to find out what is wrong before it gets worse and you can't remember what you ate for breakfast. Not to freek you out or anything but have you had an MRI or CT scan? Makes me wonder if it could be some sort of tumor blocking the nerves in your brain or something.  Sorry, that I'm not much help but a few posabilitys.  But you know for sure you need to talk to the doctor!!!!

  10. First of all, you MUST have a doctor check you.  It may be nothing...or it may be something that can be easily cured.

    I, too, went through a similar experience.  Then I went on a diet in which much of the sugar in my diet was eliminated.  My mind began to clear up!  It may be as simple as diet.

    Three things to do:

    Go to a SUPER HEALTHY diet for a month or more (lifetime, actually).

    Drink water, water, water (and not alcohol or other carbonated beverages)

    SLEEP!!!  I cannot stress how important it is that you just take time to sleep all you really need to sleep.  Get in bed at a decent hour--make it happen.

    Can't guarantee anything, but I'd be willing to bet you see a tremendous improvement.

    Best wishes!

  11. It could be depression or a host of other mental illnesses. Trust me, I know all about this from personal experience. You need to contact a psychiatrist immediately before this goes any further. He/she can prescribe medicine that will help you immensely. There is no longer a stigma attached to mental illness because so many people are suffering from it openly these days. Please please call a psychiatrist or talk to your doctor immediately. It could also be some type of physical illness as well. Please get to a doctor immediately!

  12. You should see a neurologist immediately.  From what you're describing, you could have something wrong with your brain like a blood clot, tumor, etc.  You need to see the doctor ASAP so you can nip this in the bud.  I mean you need to call your family doctor in the morning first thing when they open and ask for a "sick appointment" - you know how they have appointments set aside each day for people who are sick.  Then the family doctor can refer you to a neurologist.  Don't let the family doctor blow it off as stress or something.  Or if your insurance allows it call a neurologist's office yourself and describe what is happening and make an appointment.  Definitely get checked right away.

  13. well in this case it maybe depression or something like that, but I think you should tell your family doctor just in case it is serious.

    Do you eat enough? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you lonley?

  14. see your doctor.  

  15. i'd say Alzheimer's, but i'd go to a doctor. not that many certified professionals giving diagnoses on yahoo.

    go to a doctor. write it down, so u don't forget.

  16. GO TO THE DOCTOR! Get checked out. It could be nothing more complicated than just stress causing you to short out, or it could be something more serious, such as petit mal seizures. They are little short circuits in the brain which causes blank-out spells, and you may not realize it. Don't put a lot of stock into what random people are telling you on-line; this isn't something you should use as a diagnostic exam. Get to the doctor, just to see what's up.

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