I've been with my bf for 7 months now and i think we have a strong relationship going. Lately, I've been under a lot of personal stress and pressure, and when I'm with my bf i end up taking some of it out on him. He just recently got a 2nd job so he is ALWAYS working. I feel very alone and left out. We are both 16. The fact that he is no longer around bugs me. I find myself getting upset at the tiniest things he says or does. Its driving me absolutely nuts because i can't even explain to him what is wrong. I am depressed and I do see a therapist. I just really want to stop myself before I totally ruin my beautiful relationship. However, I just want to completely be alone for a couple days. I don't want to text, call, or see him. Is this wrong? He told me if i did that I would make it worse for him, but i just can't stay happy lately and I want to figure out what is wrong. The problem isn't him I know its me....so what should I do? I don't want anything to happen to us.I need advice.