
What is happening at bermuda triangle ????

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some say its a tunnel rest describe about pyramids???

what's the mystry.....




  1. Ok january jane- I'm glad you think you're the smartest chik (I'm assuming you're a chik, anyway) on the planet, but in actuality :  you sound like the "simple" one here in the paranormal section going off on everyone else for stating their "opinions," and like it or not- what you have to say is an opinion too- so who sounds like the f*****g idiot now, hu?

    And in MY own personal opinion (if you do your homework and actually learn some factual history), there are all kinds of things on this planet that cannot possibly be explained with our level of scientific knowlege. Including things that I have seen in the sky that are way too weird and unexplainable to ever be expalined by ANYBODY (especially the narrow-minded scientists of the world) who haven't seen it with their own eyes. Yes people, I'm talking about UFO's- and possibly alians. I have never seen an alian, but think about it- there are all kinds of cave paintings, and artwork throughout the ancient (and even more recent ie[renissance]) world that depicts weird things in the sky that should not be there. There have also been numerous sightings of USO's (unidentified submerged objects) in the water. When dealing with the paranormal, we need to take all kinds of history and theory into account and try to put it all together. Alians are a thousand times "smarter" and more in tune with the spirit world than we are, and in my opinion they have been here for thousands and thousands of years. Look at how smart some of these ancient civilizations were- the Myans, the do you think they got all this mathematical knowlege and conceptual forms of geometry when even our SMARTEST scientists and archaeologists can't fathom how it would be possible for them to obtain it? To top it all off, there are all kinds of pictures throughout history depicting things in the sky....and weird "space men" but some of the so-called smartest people in the world can't put two and two together? What better place for them to hide, but in our own oceans that we haven't the technology to fully explore? Of course these natural "earth triangles of energy" exist all over the planet- but they are drawn to it because of what earth's natural metaphysical energy can do- especially when it's amplified. And for people who are really interested in this theory, you might want to check up on the great lakes as well....there have been many more disappearances in (I believe it's lake superior) than there have been in the Bermuda triangle. For all you skeptical people out there in the paranormal spectrum that means "The ratios are much higher."

    I swear, why do people who have no interest in the paranormal at all even bother to put in their two-cents? I'm tired of all you "overly skeptical" people surfing about in the wrong section......especially when you have no idea of what you're talking about.

  2. Basically,it is a fascinating "sales pitch" for the curious.Other than that it is just nature doing its own thing.

  3. Nothing supernatural is going on! Methane gas, bad weather, freak waves, and other normal occurrences account for the missing planes and ships.

    Notice we have never had a 747 jet or Cruise Ship come up missing? Only small vehicles and mostly years ago when we did not have that good technology.

  4. it's aliens....

  5. There is no given answer for what has happened at the Bermuda triangle. I hope one day those questions could be answered. I've heard some people speculate that there could be some sort of black hole.

  6. The mystery itself is the mystery.I've been there many times.On the water and in the air.The only thing I see happening are freighters,pleasure boats and people fishing.Ships,planes and people disappear all over the oceans.I think this place has a bum rap.

  7. the thing is is kinda mysterious at the bermuda triangles tht all kinda airplanes or ppl who go there go missing...n there r many theories relating 2 dis...

    u cn check these websites for more informations

  8. there is some type of vortex or portal there. Could be dimensional or galatic. Maybe a doorway for spaceships? Definately something weird happening there though.

  9. Nothing that isn't happening everywhere else.  If you actually look at the numbers of ships lost, there isn't anything strange about that area.  It's all just urban legend.  And no, there are no tunnels, no black holes, and nothing to do with the pyramids.

  10. it is just a small area with lots of concetrated air and sea traffic. So if you look at the ratio of activity and incidents you will see that is is just normal stuff. Somebody wanted to sell books so they made up stories that  simple peole would believe.


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