
What is happening to Britain?:?

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Does ebrybody agree woith me that briiatin is becoming a nation of bullies delinquients and inasedautes what ha[[ended to the britain where people fought and stood up for rhwat they beleved in and what hap[pend to the phrase an english persons home is there castle? what do you good people think?




  1. ..and I can remember when we were taught to spell..

  2. Britain is just a home for every parasite in the world to illegally set foot on our soil, its becoming the armpit of the worlds population running away from wars, they will leech and bleed our society, they bum off the tax payers, and breed like rabbits, as long as the government p***y foots about, we, who were once great, will become just another 3rd world country, stop this increasing nonsense, re-open the ship yards, build them, and ship them all back to which ever place they came from, our high streets are littered with fast food shops of every kind, the little old English market is history, every other stall has a foreigner running it. My home is still my castle, and unless you think like me, dont ever come uninvited! and no Im not a bully or a delinquent, Im standing up to what I believe in!

  3. It´s good to see how some people feel so fine about broad generalizations. I´m British and very fine with it, the fact I´m no longer living there has nothing to do with the country as such, but with me moving to live with my boyfriend who happens to be German, we both would have stayed in England had it come to that. :)

    So no, Britain is not becoming a nation of bullies and delinquents; I could spontaneously list about 15 countries to which that description fits better. Racist blabbing about immigrants abusing your own country are about the bottom of the pit and I am constantly shocked by people claiming not to be racists or generalizing things but only stating the truth. The majority of all those filthy, abusive, sneaky immigrants you (other answer) see must all live round your corner, because they certainly never lived round mine. People fleeing their countries when wars are raging or opportunities are rare can hardly be blamed for moving elsewhere and you would do the same if you had to. Improve the situation back home and you won´t see people moving as much, it´s often as simple as that even though putting it into practice of course isn´t and this is going off topic.

    Yes, as in most liberal Western European countries, I too sometimes find laws to be slightly TOO liberal in some (rare) cases, but if you´re not okay with the way your country is run, vote for somebody else to take over next time you get the chance. Again, as in most countries, the problem is that too many people tend to only think about themselves and cannot be bothered to think about others. That´s a very general development in well developed countries and the reason for that is that you spoil yourself by the relative luxury you´re used to. Then things go downhill just ever so slightly and suddenly everybody´s worried they might not be able to sit their bottoms flat on couches watching football for the rest of their lives.

    The schools and universities always taught me to stand up for what I believe in, as did my parents. It´s your, mine and everybody else´s responsibility to keep an eye on that and if necessary, make a change if we deem it appropriate. If you feel bad about immigrants not speaking your language properly, go offer a free language course to them. If you feel too much bullying is going on at your school, talk to the counsellor, headmaster etc. and set up some "pupils against bullying" project day or week.

    I think the on-going binge drinking is probably the largest problem I see in younger generations. There, I agree with you, this country in that particular area of life is going to the dogs.

  4. I think the problems starts in the schools, the standard of some peoples English, writing, spelling and grammar is a disgrace.

  5. We Brits are still around, and I don't think its us that are bullies delinquents etc,and I do stand up for my  rights and what I believe in.And my home is my castle.

    You should however be aware that most castles are in ruins, like your argument about spelling and shortsightedness,my spellings are correct simply because I take the bother to use the spell check which is part of answers.

  6. Unfortunately we cannot be proud anymore or celebrate our heritage because the government are worried that it may offend immigrants. But they don't think about immigrants offending the indeginious people or do they care.

    Labour says they hate the BNP and their policies but the Labour party are breeding BNP supporters.

  7. my home is my castle. anyone entering without my permission will get what they deserve and i dont care about the consequences

  8. Dont get me started, immigrants, inbred royals, labour but not labour government, greed, nanny state,taxation I could go on but the electric bill would be sky high due to my computer being on all night

  9. they banned like 10 celebs!!! LOL :0

  10. there is no disciple, no respect, no manners. its a nanny state gone wrong. the only culture that is clearerly domminant is the drinking culture.

    you can't slap a kid for misbehaving without getting done by the cops or the parents having a go at you, evan if the stupid sod has done something bad. go anywhere else in the world and kids have respect for adults.

    My grandad once said to me "prevention is cure". its so true. if you prevent things from happening in the first place so many issues could be cured. prevent kids from being desrespectful.


  11. I feel that I am quite inasedaute to answer this

  12. Britain is an Island consisting of four Nations, England, Wales, Scotland, and Cornwall.  England, the largest country conquered the other Nations, and tried to forge them into one State, but this is starting to unravel. It's greatness? was built on the power it had over so many Nations in it's Empire, which has long since crumbled to dust. When the people of the Island of Britain  walked in the shadow of God Almighty, it prospered, but now that they have rejected God, it continues to slide, and no longer has respect in many parts of the World.

  13. i do think that some of us brits are turning like that more and more evryday.

    but im not one of them so im proud to be a brit.

  14. Sounds like the problems in Great Britain are the same in the USA.

  15. If you think Britain is dangerous now, you should have been here in 1941 when I was born.  I'm talking serious fireworks.

    But, thankfully, we had lots of these. . . .

    The bad news is that Britain has always been a violent and dangerous place.  There are some 200 battlefield sites spread out across England alone.

    What were the battles all about?

    Mostly they concerned ownership of land, kingship and civil wars.

    To understand the British people, you must first understand that we are mostly a bunch of disperate Germanic tribes who cannot agree on anything.

    So let's start a the beginning.

    Note that....Britain has been forged by centuries of warfare.

    My own race, the Brythonic Celts (Welsh) have a hobby, we call it war and any war will do, so long as we're in it.  We don't give a d**n who the enemy is, we'll just kill them anyway.

    By the Middle Ages the English (Brits) had become the most feared Army in all Europe and would gladly bash the h**l out of anyone who got in our way, especially the French.

    Here's Laurence Olivier in the role of Henry V

    During WW2 Laurence Olivier was a fighter pilot with the Fleet Air Arm and flew 470 sorties against the enemy.  He made this movie in Ireland during the war, the purpose of which was to raise morale in Britain with rousing patriotic Shakespearian speeches.

    Here is a warrior Englishman - Winston Churchill - he had fought in a number of wars, including spending time in the trenches in WW-One - so he knew at first hand what war was all about and how to win it.

    Winston Churchill - Battle of Britain speech

    The legendry Ed Morrow reporting from Trafalgar Square during the London Blitz in 1940 - his audience in America hearing it live. . .

    . . . .click right for more Ed Morrow. . . .

    My grandfather fought in the Boer War in South Africa, he also fought in WW-One.

    My father fought in WW-2

    I joined the British Army age 15 in 1957 - no war.

    You should be aware that street gangs are a common thing here in UK and have been so since the dawn of time.  When the enemy walks into your town, you know exactly what to do.  You fill the milk bottles with petrol, stuff in a cotton wool wick, light the wick and throw it at the enemy.

    You also ram a broken milk bottle on the end of a broom handle and ram that in the face of an enemy soldier.

    Like Winston said, "take one with you".

    The men who flew the fighters in the RAF during the Battle of Britain were in their teens and twenties - 18 to 25.


    If people are not prepared to be agressive and fight, this is what you get . . . .

    n**i Murder Mills

    Always remember the great debt we owe to our fighting men and women.  Not just of WW2 but of today.  They're out there on the front fighting the terrorists.  These same terrorists have brought death to thousands in New York and many more here in London.


  16. i blame rap and the american culture of gangsters

  17. I agree it is going the way of the classic American bully boy and a disaster for everyone to follow media scare and lies. Guns and over oppressive enforcement.

    However the government have pissed so many people off they need more protection than ever. Just what America wants because that is the deal, treat them mean keep them keen to serve on the cheap and without heart.

    England has never been Great only thought it was because its foundations were built on arrogance over others.

    And most peoples homes are owned by the banks.

    Stay smiley and be yourself

    Kind regards Biccy

  18. Aren't we lucky to be able to express our views without fearing violent repercussions?  Just a thought!

  19. Your question is okay ..... the problem is that the last 10-20 years have seen the Englishman face the invasion of the rest of the world and his status has simply eroded to that of a second class citizen.  Plus, we have seen the loss of traditional values and the English way of life ..... Britain will of course never be the same, the greatness has gone and to my mind, it has become a social pit. That's no one's fault in particular, just the world shrinking by cheap air travel and the freedom of people to move around. Britain will never be 'great' again I am afraid .....

  20. Britain used to be a good, proud country, but now we have a gutless government too afraid of offending other countries to stick up for their own people.

    We have so many stupid, petty laws/rules and soon we will be told when we can think and breathe.

  21. .Its not just Britain its the whole E U thing  and it is going to effect the whole world  eventually In America and the E U the so called secutity  is just getting more info on the public  Real I D scans and whatever  We even have the Implants  its what I call testing, testing leading up to the finale choice of the mark . Every thing else in betwwen  is exactly as the Bible stated and its going to get worse .We are in as called Like the days of Noha , and what ever goes on in Briain is also going on around the world .

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