
What is happening to Nicole Vaidisova's game?

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She has been losing a lot of matches lately, I thought she would be in the top 10 by now, but she just keeps slipping away, and to low ranked opponents. Is Stepanek sucking the life out of her? Or is she just in a slump?




  1. She is obviously not playing well. It could have something to do with the fact that she fired her coach or that she is more interested in her personal relationship with Stepanek. She was very upset with herself and too emotional in her first round match at Roland Garos. I think a combination of all these things. Something similar happened to Jelena Dokic and Ashley Harkleroad. Nicole needs to get her coach back and break up with her boyfriend and concentrate on tennis if she is to get her game back. She still young enough to bounce back.

  2. She had mono late last year, and she's been struggling to recover fully from it.  She probably should have just taken several months off to recover, but instead she is trying to play her way through it.  It doesn't seem to be working though, and her ranking is going to take a major dive pretty soon.

  3. Could be an injury, could be a slump, could be she is getting burnt out, could be that she is staying the same while her opponents are getting better.

  4. I also thought that she would be in the top ten by now.  But she is rather headstrong and wants to do it her way.  Hopefully she can get it together soon.  She is still very young.

  5. This young woman had/has so much potential, but needs to first stop being her worst enemy with that temper, and stop looking at daddy for answers in the stands. She needs to get another coach and get her game off the ground. She clearly has the game to cause much damage to opponents, and win tournaments.

  6. I thought Stephanek was to marry Hingis? anyway I know for a fact she is in a slump. I think she has lost in the first round of the last 7 tournaments. She is so young and has demonstrated great talent and exciting potential which as of yet she has not used to a full advantage in order to blossom and take Women's tennis by storm. I expect her to be back-But she is similar to Hantuchov-great talent and potential unrealised and has been around 10-15 in the world ever since arriving on the tour and hasn't continued to develop. I am a fan of Vaidisova and what ever her demons are, I hope she gets over them and plays great tennis in the future-Maybe a new coach?

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