Well I have been having weird problems starting a couple months ago. See when I was home alone I started to hear this whispering from BEHIND me. There were 2 people, I knew it 2 very bad not people THINGS. I had the feeling that these people were talking about me and I had a bad feeling, it drove me away. I went to the living room and I felt the urge to turn around. When I did I seen this tall black figure looking at me, it had no face so I would say facing me. It was gone in like a split second. After that I kept getting bad angry feelings, I kept hearing knocks and bangs. I looked around and in my head I seen these 2 troll like figures talking and I was not comfortable in there. So I ran out being concerened that these " things" would hurt me. I told my brother and all the while I was in the garage I felt the spirit of a man manefesting himelf as a mist with red eyes. This man is John, he is the mist my brother had seen a few years back. John was watching and listening from the