
What is happening to me?? Am I crazy?

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Well I have been having weird problems starting a couple months ago. See when I was home alone I started to hear this whispering from BEHIND me. There were 2 people, I knew it 2 very bad not people THINGS. I had the feeling that these people were talking about me and I had a bad feeling, it drove me away. I went to the living room and I felt the urge to turn around. When I did I seen this tall black figure looking at me, it had no face so I would say facing me. It was gone in like a split second. After that I kept getting bad angry feelings, I kept hearing knocks and bangs. I looked around and in my head I seen these 2 troll like figures talking and I was not comfortable in there. So I ran out being concerened that these " things" would hurt me. I told my brother and all the while I was in the garage I felt the spirit of a man manefesting himelf as a mist with red eyes. This man is John, he is the mist my brother had seen a few years back. John was watching and listening from the




  1. your not crazy

    all of this is real

  2. yes there are angry spirits in your house... use salt and sprinkle some at every wall in your house. put lavender and apples outside your house at every corner and (if you can find some) put brick dust at the threshold burn a sage stick and make sure the smoke gets in every room of your house.

    this is an old way to repel spirits from your home.

  3. You're not crazy. What you're experiencing is indeed that you're a medium. The headaches is normal... its your chakras working. chakras are energy centers in the body, and this is what you experience the spirit world through.

    The ringing in the ear is a being with a higher energy frequency (a bit like a radio frequency) speaking with you.

    The black ones that make you uncomfortable....unfortunately as part of being new to the whole thing, you tend to attract the spirit world, good and bad both. Darkness tends to see "newbies" (if you'll pardon the expression) as an easy target. You need to learn how to protect yourself.

    imagine a wide beam of bright white light coming down from the sky. I like to imagine it's God's light, but if you're not religious, it doesn't matter--it just needs to be pure white. Now imagine this light going straight through and out the soles of your feet and into the earth beneath you. Then imagine this light slowly expanding, until it fills every fiber of your body, every cell, and seeps out of your pores, to form a solid bubble around you. Solid as opposed to an outline. Do this daily, first thing in the morning, at night, doesn't matter.

    This will keep you safe. Really, they can only harm you if you give them the power to do so. So try not to be afraid. Scaring you is their only weapon. but light keeps them at bay while you are still afraid.

    Next thing... get yourself a couple of white candles (pure white, not vanilla white) and preferably some frankincense or frankincense and myrrh. Otherwise, sandlewood works good too and Nag Champa can be used in a pinch. Frankincense is the most powerful, but anything that makes you feel good is the key. Burn the candles as well as a stick of the incense dialy.

    next... Call Archangel Michael to be with you. Speak out loud, speak in your head, it doesn't matter, and what you say doesn't matter either. But he's told me it can be as simple as "Archangel Michael help me, help me, help me." Ask him to put you in his cloak, it's protective. It's blue and it covers you from head to toe. BTW...if you end up seeing blue spots around you in the air, this would be Michael letting you know he's there. He's also very large and a bit scary to feel around you at first. Allow him to touch you (or even ask him to--make sure you state his name when you do this) and he'll prove to you it's him. You'll just know. It's the love and safety feeling they send to you that tells you.

    Next is to get rid of the dark ones... command these dark beings to leave your home (in the name of Jesus christ if you're religious at all). State out loud that only beings of pure light and love may enter your home, that all else MUST leave. Say it like you mean it. Close your eyes and keep repeating it until you feel the strength of it in the pit of your stomach. KNOW that this is YOUR house and YOU are in control. Not the other way around.

    Anyway, I hope I'm not overwhelming you. I just recall being in your shoes and how scary it can be, so I tried to give what I think you need *right now*, though certainly you'll learn much much more over time. Feel free to email me.

    Peace, love and light. I'll ask Michael to come on your behalf, but it's also good if you ask for him yourself, that way he knows it's your intention (free will and all that).

  4. Visual and auditory hallucinations aren't too uncommon, but people often don't report them because they assume it means they're going crazy.  It doesn't necessarily mean that, but it probably means you've got some other problem that needs to be dealt with.  Something similar happened to my cousin about 10 years ago.  Turns out he had a massive brain tumor.  He had it removed, and he's fine now, but if his mother had assume he was psychic instead of taking him to the doctor, he'd be dead.  Go get it checked out.

  5. I think you should contact the show paranormal state (AE channel) and have them come out and check things out.  Scary!

  6. I would get some medication. These images are all in your mind, and you are making yourself see them.

  7. I believe you should quit using drugs.

  8. Hello, I wan to inform you that you are indeed NOT crazy. You are having a problem with the past life of another being. The troll like figures are problebly ghostes that have manafested enough fear from you to turn into demons. You shoukd keep a bible next to yo at all times and when ever you see one or hear somethingv shout GOD at them and they will go away. If it gets bad enough to where thay hurt you , you need to get a professional ghost hunter or exercist!!!

  9. Well, you could be "crazy." Seeing a therapist might help. As for ghosts, I'm a skeptic. There is no reason to believe in ghosts and not in other supernatural subjects. The Christian/Jewish/Muslim texts tell us that the dead are asleep. Ghosts can't exist. In fact, there is no scientific evidence at all that tells us that an entity without physical form can move any objects. Ghosts, in fact, are probably the oldest form of myth. If you want to research the matter, try looking up the Amazing Randi.

    If you're schizophrenic, it isn't the end of the world. It sounds like you can reason between two worlds, so it sounds treatable. I'm not a licensed psychologist, but I'm not claiming to diagnose you, nor should you trust the conclusions of anybody else here as truth. Leave that to the professionals.

    In regard to fiction, yeah, you could base a good story off your experiences.

  10. In parapsychology, they call people who experience these things more often than others "sensitive". This simply means that you have an increased sensitivity to whatever it is that's happening. It doesn't mean you're actually psychic, nor does it mean that you're a medium. What it does mean that that you may have a heightened sensitivity to things. I'd be interested to discover what an EMF meter would discover in your home.

    When you're wondering if you're crazy, the key here is shared experience. Your account is like lots of other accounts I've had over 15 years of being a paranormal investigator. It's also nothing to be afraid of (as it appears that you already know). And because others have the same experience and your brother has experienced the same things you have, I wouldn't call you crazy.

    Treat them with respect, and call in a professional investigator if you have any problems. Other than that, your description sounds like a very typical intelligent multiple haunting!

  11. See a doctor or priest. Good luck.

    Wow. You're really good. Try writing. I think you've got talent.

  12. I like it anyway. There are a few grammatical and punctuation errors but overall, the story can be expanded into something good I feel.

    Good luck when you hand your story in.

  13. I personally belive in ghosts if its a cool ghost then its all good but if its like a troll like figure that is not cool

  14. dont listen to those people you arent crazy especially if other people have seen/sensed them as well.

    im not christian or anything but if you want them gone try going to a priest and asking them to come to your house. i heard this always helps, it will get rid of everything there.

    ADDITION: you cant be hallucinating or anything if other people have experienced it too, and that other person had a good idea, contact the show Paranormal State, theyre good at helping you figure out whats there and help get rid of it ,etc

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