
What is happening to me? Best answer gets 5 stars *

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i know this may not sound like that big of a deal but it is to me. video games is one of my favorite things to do and i use to play this game Halo 2 for xbox live online. not brag or be an idiot but i could beat about anyone i played and i was on a professional team, and i was so good people always wanted to play with me. and when i would play with my friends i would always kill them and they starting getting really mad and they would alwaaays make fun of me saying how am i nerd and all this stuff. so eventually when i played with them i started to actually let them win without even realizing it. i didn't want to win anymore. and after that it was EVERYTIME i played a game i was afraid to be myself there was like this mental block. and now im never myself when i play i hate it. how can i return to normal? and find a way to beat this mentally?

and i know your probably going to say i should get new friends. no i dont want to they are the only friends i have and i want to keep them




  1. Wow that sucks dude! Thanks for the do need to find another hobby

  2. the best way to beat it is to take a break from it. Get away from the games and go outside and do something completely different for a while. then when you go back to it, you will slip into your former talent just like putting on a familiar jacket. it will be fine.  

  3. you are stressing out too much about winning and not about playing the game.  Before the game was fun and you played and then won.  Now your focused on not being made fun of so naturally you would try to loose.  You got to find the thing that just made the game fun for you.  In playing a game you win and sometimes you loose.  Try thinking of it as win or loose, it was fun.  Im sure you and your friends will play all sorts of different things that you can beat them at.  Buy the way your friends are going to like you for you not about playing a video game!

  4. First I just want to say that I know how important those games can become because my son is the same way. We all want to be accepted by our peers and this is one of those times you want it bad.  Instead of trying to beat your friends all of the time, why don't you try sharing some of your tricks or strategies that you've learned with your friends.  That way they don't see you as holding yourself "above" them.  As far as the professional team goes, my son says stay on it.

  5. they are just jelious that u are better than them...just play ans tell them to stop being jelious..then they will try to say they they arnt jelious but they are...just play like u did be4

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