
What is happening to my tank? PICTURE

by  |  earlier

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i have had this tank for 9mnths it has 2 goldfish. 30 gal. I have never had any problems with it but for the last 2weeks it has been looking like this. so i changed the water and cleaned it and like 2 days later it looks like this again. i tested the water and its fine. what could the problem be? please i hope u can help. this look horriable!!




  1. its algae and i would recommend using this

    good luck!!!

    or you can get snails or an algae eater fish like a kissing gourami.

  2. its algae bloom..u should clean it ..or buy a algae eater :)

  3. it is algae i recommend you get it away from sun light or buy something to keep from sunlight from coming in to the tank or you can buy like medicine for it at your local pet store but it will happen again unless you use it 1 once a week


  4. The water is green, that means you have an algae bloom.  You need to do partial water changes every other day and keep all lights off (natural and not) till it clears up.  They do sell algae products in the store, but this can be solved without using them.

    Edit:  Don't get an aglae eating fish, they don't eat algae that is floating suspended in the water, only algae that is growing on the sides.  Also you do not want to add any more bio-load to the tank than it already has.


  5. it's an algeal bloom, sometimes called pea soup. Just turn the lights off, and if it doesn't improve, keep a blanket over it. If you want you can but in a product that makes it clump together (such as algone) and get and ultraviolet filter that will kill it. that, however, is a lot mor expensive than just turning off the lights and may affect the tank chemistry.

  6. Nice Algae.

    Keep your fish's wastes in check, as Goldfish are very dirty fish. Reduce, and if you can, cut off all light exposure to the tank, and get better oxygenated water.

  7. this problem arises if you have too much nitrate in your tank. this is called green water and it ONLY problem is that it looks horrible. in fact the green water keeps your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate to ZERO. check it!!!!

    you can add some natural plants to your tank to eliminate the problem. Try vallisneria, java fern, elodea or other plants that goldfish won't eat. these plants will compete with the green water and the latter will disappear. however, DON'T ever try to add chemicals. they will cure your tank temporarily and may cause other problems.

    contact me personally if you want more details on how to get rid of the green water.

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