
What is happening to our country?

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  1. complete mental cases. Examples like these are one of the reasons I loathe their ridiculous religion

  2. I only opened the first link, that was enough. I honestly think the insane have taken over the asylum.

    Indeed my grandparents must be spinning in their graves and  its a terrible thing to say but i am glad my other half passed away, he would be so devastated at seeing his beloved country go to pot this way.

  3. I think that the UK is going to pot because of the PC brigade more than anything else. They are the ones who try to please everybody and ended up annoying a lot of people. I don't agree with what happened to those boys but I disagree with this current media "witch hunt" over Islam at the moment, it's way over the top and most Muslims just wish to get on with their lives. There always has to be a scapegoat and if it isn't Tim next door then it'll be Bill down the road next and so on and so forth. "When in Rome, do what the Romans do" in any country in the world, some people think that they can come to the UK and do what the h**l they like. They wouldn't let us do it in their countries, so why do we put up with it in ours? The UK tries to be a multi-cultural society with different religions but the prime rule is the British one, everything else is secondary. I've lived abroad and try to speak the language plus I attempted to live as the inhabitants did in those countries.  

  4. This is an extremely rare incident and the guy has been charged and found guilty, so law and order prevails!

    Also, it is possible to love your country without being a racist. Some of us manage it without any difficulty.

    Methinks your blinkers are on too tight!

  5. It's changing - that's all.  Crappy things have always happened.  Watch a history of the Great War and feel glad you didn't live then.

    As for the bloke allowing those kids to flog themselves, it was one bloke.  He was told by other muslims not to let them do it.

    Richard D - you are wrong when you say that most of the stabbings are done by illegal immigrants.  They aren't.  The problem won't be solved by  fibbing about it.  

    This country and this time are not perfect, but they are better than most countries and most times.  Hopefully, we'll deal with the problems, but pretending things were better in the past before all the blacks turned up will do you no good whatever. That certainly was not what my grandfather fought for.

  6. lol,  good thing we left a long time ago and made our own country,  the USA rules

    thumbs down in advance.  

  7. It looks like child cruelty to me.  If you want to do something stupid such as beating yourself do it when you are an adult and don't force it, by persuasion, on your children.

    Just because a religion condones something doesn't mean that an enlightened society must also condone it, especially if it involves cruelty and brainwashing.

    Freedom, practice it.

  8. "This is part of our religion" - well it's against our laws.

    The UK not a predominantly Muslim country and doesn't (shouldn't) condone this sort of behaviour.

  9. Has the art of asking questions disappeared. Why all the links, why not attempt to say it yourself.  

  10. This is what happens when you let a dumbass run a country.

  11. its called illegal immigrants forcing their way into our country and bringing crime with them.

    look how many people have been stabbed recently- most of the attackers have been foreign

    and yes i am racist and i have every right to be

  12. It never ceases to amaze me the things that are done in the name of religion, how barbaric and disgusting this practise is, I agree with you completely  it should be illegal and he should be sent to prison for child cruelty If he and his like want to do these things I suggest they remove themselves from the UK and go back to where they came from

  13. These children should be protected.  Shouldn't let them take part in this type of ceremony, if I was one of their mother I would cry and persuade them not to do it.

    They should wait until they are adult and have some common sense to think for themselves.  Then they could flog themselves if they want to.  

    I see this type of religious act like someone who likes body piercing too much.

  14. I remember Punk rockers doing similar things to themselves using axes and knives.....

  15. Somebody somewhere seems to have decided that Britain should become some sort of experimental area for social science. So we have multiculturalism leading to some covert ethnic cleansing of the indigenous  population in certain parts of the country. The drive seems to be on to fill the country with immigrants and destroy the traditional British identity, at the same time the powers that be seem quite happy for skilled British people to leave, taking their expertise with them. Coupled with this is the failure of the state education system to provide an education that enables British kids to compete in the modern world, so we are told we need migrants to fill jobs while British working class rot and languish on low level benefits. What is the purpose of all this ? I don't know, and I know of no other country in the world that behaves like this or treats it's own ordinary people with such contempt.

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