
What is happening to stop Venice sinking?

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What is happening to stop Venice sinking?




  1. The problem with Venice is no that it's sinking, but that the sea water levels are rising, possibly due to global warming, but many say it's due to dredging shipping channels for the port of Marghera, thereby allowing greater fluctuation in the water levels and movement in the lagoon.  Engineers are looking at ways to raise the more historic buildings above the flood levels.  But the biggest and most controversial project is the tidal flood barrier - the MOSE Project:

  2. Venice is building a gate off the Venetian waters to serve as a dam it has been called the Moses gate. It will be able to regulate the water therefore saving the city from the impact of the rising waters.

  3. Venice isn't sinking, the water level is rising. And they think they'll build a levy or a dam. Something to limit the amount of water.

  4. Venice has always been slowly sinking. Over the last 1,000 years, it has sunk by around seven centimeters for every century, but recent reports have stated that in the last century alone, the city of Venice has lowered by around 24 centimeters. This may have more to do with global warming and the melting polar ice caps than with Venice sinking into its own foundations.

    The level to which Venice is sinking is now seen as critical. Many theories and concepts are being developed to stop Venice sinking. City leaders are now considering investing in huge steel gates to block the floods in order to stop Venice sinking. The cost of this project is estimated at around two or three billion euros.

    Many experts say that this solution to stop Venice sinking can only be short term and will only help stem the floods for the next 20 or 30 years. A long-term solution must be found to stop Venice sinking that includes dealing with the causes of global warming. If not, Venice sinking into its own waters may be another chapter in world history.

    sad, right?

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