
What is hard water ? (acidity P/H < 7 ) or Soft > 12 P/H?

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Please feel free to correct me but as far as I am aware the P/H of water to be in balance must have A p/h between 7 & 12 = not hard or soft but below 7= acid (hard water does not build lime scale but can cause rust) Soft = above12 which is alkalie & causes lime scale so why do they advertise purchase X product to counteract Hard water = lime scale are we being taken for a bunch of idiots or am I reading it wrong ?




  1. Hard/soft water is meassured in the amount of calsium/chalk in the water. The more, the harder.

    Typically rainwater is very soft, as is fresh spring water.

    The harder the water, the more soap and shampoo you have to use, and the more washingpowder in the mashine.

  2. Your over thinking this, 7 is neutral, 5 is slightly acidic (human skin) anything above 7 is alkaline the higher the stronger and i think your getting mixed up thinking that 7-12 is neutral. The scale goes from 1-14 and 10 would be a very alkaline solution causing hard water and lime scale. This is usually in places like London where most of there water is from bore holes in alcaline (lime stone) ground were up north in gods country it&#039;s taken from neutrally balanced reservoirs.

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