
What is harder on bass than guitar?

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What is harder on bass than guitar?




  1. Do you mean, which is harder to play?

    They are very different instruments...

    Some say bass is easier because it doesn't involve blazing lead guitar riffs or require you to learn chords.

    I think bass is harder because the strings are larger and the proper technique for playing is more difficult to develop. But hey, that's why there are so few notable bass-players.

    I'm a bass player btw-  

  2. Both require time to master...Bass is easier on the fingers but you have to stretch your fingers more because the the fretboard is longer.  You should ask yourself - do you like bass lines in the songs you listen to?  Or do you like rhythms or leads more?  Play what you like to listen to...whatever you choose if you stick with it and practice consistently you will get which is harder is irrelevant....if you choose one and you think it isn't working out you can switch...I play guitar but my daughter loves the bass....

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