
What is harder?softball practice or marching band practice?

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ok there is this guy on my drumline who thinks marching band is actually harder than softball...and it doesnt just go for softball but baseball and other sports...i play softball and im on the drumline and i deffinently think that softball and baseball is harder than band...tell me what you think




  1. I can imagine marching band being pretty stressful. I mean everyones steps have to be synchronized, the sounds have to be perfect. You have to be in the exact right spot. If one person of the 50+ kids messes up you have to start over.

    If your talking about slow pitch softball ill really be disappointed that you tried making a post. Otherwise for fast pitch I cant image it being different from baseball.

    Which I find not too challenging unless you have to take Batting Practice in 35 degree weather and stuff like that.

  2. Well the band at my school does some pretty hardcore stuff, but when it comes down to it, our softball team works so much harder. we go through 2 weeks of h**l as the coaches like to call it. many of the band members see us practice and they believe we are worked til we are dead. So i def believe softball is harder...

  3. Haha. Softball invovles more than lowing into an insterment or druming on a drum. Deff. Softball :]

  4. i am in my marching band and it is alot of work.  now i have never played softball or baseball so i dont know how hard there practices are but my band practice can last up to four straight hours.  it is alot of hard work trying to aline with everyone and make sure that every step you take wont make you look out of line.  

  5. okay i play fastpitch and am on the flag line for my school's marching band...and i would say each is tough in different both work you until you are about to die...ive had band in weather temperatures and conditions as bad at below freezing to above 100 degrees and from raining and storming to dry heat...and same with softball (except they have a range in which they are aloud to practice in and cannot exceed the limits unlike band where its what the band director chooses and the flag line is even worse because we never get to sit at band camp although the band does when they have a 5 minute break while on the field...and we always have to be moving--if not we get called out and in trouble--which on my guard is serious--like they make you do extra everything--im sorta thinking that band is more tedious because we practice daily at least 2 or 3 different times a day for 2-3 hours plus a piece...with guard having more that that--plus you play every friday night at football games--stay up late performing and then getting up really early(before sun rises saturday) and go and perform at competitions and stay out there all day long until late...

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