
What is harmony and how can we live in a state of it?

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What is harmony and how can we live in a state of it?




  1. Harmony is synchronicity, and accord, affability with ones world and the persons contained therein. A man with peace and congeniality in his heart perceives a peaceful kind world. Toxic angry man sees wickedness and a=evil all about him. The world as a reflection.

    The impediments to this existential Utopia are mental disturbance caused by anger and resulting in hate and pessimism. This hate manifests itself as a toxification of the internal bio system resulting in aggravation of the brains sensors causing an adverse and harsh outlook.

    The attaining of harmony therefore, is the ridding of the aforementioned impediments and learning of the word and its people. Understanding the reactions and behavioural patterns, the idiosyncrasies and foibles of others towards being at ease and in harmony with the same.

  2. Living in a state of harmony refers to being at peace with ones self and ones surroundings. It implies a lack of angst and stress. It suggests that you have struck a balance or found a happy medium with those around you. Actually finding a state of harmony seems impossible to me, though.  

  3. Take the middle path between excess and privation.  Dont be gluttonous but dont starve yourself.  Don't be greedy, but don't be irresponsible or open to manipulation.  Don't preoccupy yourself with sexual pursuits exclusively, but don't be celibate.  Etc.  

    This approach can help us achieve harmony in our inner world, but what about our harmony with the external world, our environment?  Thats an imporant question, but thats enough for now.

  4. I think harmony is a state of mind/being. We have control over our mind and can filter thoughts to achieve any desired result. Harmony, like love, flows from within us to our surroundings and when it is our state of being we naturally forgo thoughts that interfere with it. Two people may sail on choppy waters, one panics while the other remains calm. The element outside their control is common to both but their mental attitude differs. An individual account of the experience might make it seem as though the two were not on the same boat at the same time because one had a frightful time while the other had an adventure. Our life is basically what we make it.

  5. When you are at peace with yourself you realize that life is in harmony with all existence.

  6. harmony is when you dont need anything. You live with out carreys.

    You only can found it living out of the city, in farms for example, you can found it. There you are gonna live with out problems.

  7. first off there is no where in the world where you will have no problems wether it be small or large that only exists in a utopian universe, it all comes with the effort of people and to be honest its a crazy arrogant world and when you find harmony its hard to keep it but there is harmony~

  8. lots and lots of drugs

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