
What is he doing????????????????????

by  |  earlier

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Therez thiz guy in my class i really havent ever talked to him but have him on myspace (long story) hes popular and hot n stuff like that and the joker skater guy thing going on ,n im the shy quiet tall O.K looking girl (i appear 2 b like that im actualy prtty cool when i know u)

n he alwayz says hi 2 me n stuff n 2 day he said 2 walk with him n he gave me hes hand 2 hold it (i didint cuz maybe hes just kiddin) n then he went like i know ur lookin at my *** n stuff it wuz funny but anywayz wat u think does he like me is he flirting wit me or is he just joking( wat i think)???

lotz of misspels srry!!




  1. joking usually means he likes you.

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