
What is he saying? It's in Russian, can someone please translate maybe? Funny event as well?

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That's quite funny I thought, the bodyguards move to him as if he's gonna get shot or something... at least I'm assuming they're bodyguards... they jumped at him lol like trying to save him. I'm interested in what he was saying, especially after the "attack" when everyone was laughing.

Thanks, greatly appreciated. Full marks to anyone who can tell me what he was saying all the time. :-)




  1. Continuing speaking about this... written in the Party,,, Party of the National Assembly about the general rules of political struggle. And the base of these rules are respectful attitude to the polittical opponent, admitting the equal rights of the politicians who are of opposite opinions, tendency to the open dialogue...

    After the attack

    So i think that we should be grateful that now has been shown the level of duscussions that should be (then difficult to understand because of the laugh and applouse, probably it's "that should be avoided").

    Voice from the crowd: "Goverment (authority) has showed it's face"

    He: No, it's not a face,,, though if to take it for the face of the government (authority) seems that demographic situation doesn't let Kremlin authrities sleep easily...all men tell... (here is the first part of the saying "all men tell of their own ills")

    So again about our rules.

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