
What is he thinking (guys help needed)?

by Guest65632  |  earlier

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I've liked this boy for a while.Now he just graduated school this year (2008) and I'm still in school. But lemme describe this situation. He's 18..tall,,handsome,,all that good stuff. In school and even now he's popular and has lots of friends, goes to a bunch of partys and stuff like that. also a ladys man (because of his looks). now im 16 ..and idk an ok looking girl i guess. but im NOT popular at all in school. so anyway ive liked him for awhile but ive never spoken to him except like "hi" in the hall but its wierd cuz when he see's me he stares all the time...his friends look at me to like they know someting i dont (they even did this in school when he was in school..when i was walking by his locker to a class and in lunch) sometimes he'll even act nervous around me or when he sees me at a store and when i catch him looking or my family does he'll turn around quick or look at the floor. now he has a gf (NO im not breaking them up i dont want rather him be happy) but anyway in ways i think he may like me but will not say bcuz im not popular around here or not good enough but idk anymore. what do u think?




  1.   Keep moving don't dwell he probably already told his friends: his friend or himself did you and the friends are awaiting their chance w/you!!

  2. His friends may be teasing him about you.  Guys do that.  They are probably saying, "Look, she likes you.  Go for it." or something like that.  Or, he may think that you're a hautie.  Regardless, watch yourself.  Popular guys will usually have popular girls following them around and girls can be quite catty.  

    My suggestion?  Do NOT show that you are interested.  Act confident (fake it) and talk about normal things like cars (learn about as much as you can) and stuff he's into.  Treat him like he's an old friend and that you have no interest in him whatsoever.  THEN if he acts all dog and trys something like flirting with you without talking about normal day to day subjects, he's only after one thing.  If he flirts or asks too many personal questions, I'd suggest you avoid him.  He's after one thing.  If he talks to you with respect, you may end up with a good friend and a potential. However, ladies's men rarely do this.  So beware.

  3. It seems that he sometimes gets tired of having all the attention and would like to have a friend that is none-popular  you should to start a conversation with him I am sure that he would be nervous but glad, good luck  

  4. If you never ask then you'll never know :) Stop thinking your not good enough or as popular as you 'should' be too !  

  5. sounds like he likes you!

    but its good you want him to be happy with his girlfriend,

    i think you should leave it for the moment and see how it goes with the other girl.

  6. Firstly, don't say that you're not good enough. He might like you if you always catch him looking; not all popular guys only date within their circle. Normally I would say have confidence and strike up a conversation, but that fact that he has a gf does complicate things. Although, there is nothing wrong with you talking to him, or getting to know him.  

  7. **** and ***

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