
What is he trying to do to me, please help, guys and girls?

by  |  earlier

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this guy i really really like and i have been talking and texting all summer long. now school has started. we have 1 class together. the first day of school we wer txting after school and he asked me why i didnt hug him at school and then i did the next day and we talkd a little at school. then the rest of the week he was getting mad at me and telling me i made promises to him, about things i dont even remember, and making me feel really really bad, in a playful sort of way, but still making me feel bad, then on thurs, we were in our class together and everyone is working and talking about the homecoming dance and ppl are talking to him and are like "hey you should ask (girls name)" and i was sooo upset , becasue he liked me earlier in the summer, and he said"okay yall ill ask her after school" (i dont know if he ever asked her) then on thurs after school we were taling and he asked me who was taking me to the dance and i said that i didnt know yet , and he was like uhhhh ok(this was over a text) then this weekend i went on vacation and while i was there me and my friend were really hyper , lol, and we were calling random people on my phone and leaving wierd voicemails, and we left him one, ibut i cant remember what he said. But he hasnt responded to any of my texts all weekend. If we dont text today, how do i deal with it tomorrow, and please any advice on the situation, please?




  1. Can a Grandpa get in on this?

    I think it is very important that before you look for answers to your questions that you find answers to these: What are you looking for in this relationship?, Are you emotionally ready willing and able to handle a relationship your fantasizing on? Are you even mature enough to understand and answer honestly these questions.

    If you can honestly answer these questions then you'll be able to reason your own intelligent answers on the ones you asked. I wish you well young lady. Don't ever do anything that you are ashamed of and never be ashamed of anything you have done.

  2. wow take it easy on the writing

  3. If he's acting like this, he's not worth it.  He's not good enough for you.  It's his fault.  Not yours.  

  4. This question sounds so immature. Like puppy love you know.  

  5. I don't think that he's all that interested in you on a relationship level. I think he thinks of you as a friend. Try to not over analyze things. Take things a little more lightly. Your putting too much pressure on yourself and therefore you'd more than likely be putting too much pressure on others.  

  6. definitely sounds like he likes you lol..if a guy actually cares that much to txt back and actually rememberrs your promises :o

    And did him and his friend say that stuff about asking another girl to the dance right in front of you? Cuz that couldd have been planned to make u jealous or something. Especially if he asked you later on about who you were taking..why dont you try texting him back saying "who are YOU taking to the dance?" Try to turn things around so the pressure isn't always on you..

  7. wat the f**k!?! he sounds like an *** hole i woulnt bother with him he dosent want anything serious obviously

  8. Its just a game people play to make them selves feel Superior to another.When some one starts making you feel bad about your self then its time to walk away from that person.This should be a happy time in your life not one filled with stress.Also if you cannot remember what you tex then its time to slow down or stop.Move on and find some one new if he was meant to be with you he will come back around ,if not -oh well its not the end of the world.Tilks Mom

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