
What is h**l on Earth? have you went through it in your life and how so..?

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Mysty if you want grammatically correct sentences then try taking an extra English class at a community college.




  1. h**l on earth is a choice you make on how to live your life.  If you choose to drink all the time, if you take drugs a lot, if you are mean and selfish, things like this put you in your own personal h**l.  God wants us first to give, to love and be compassionate, and to be kind to others,etc.

    Love and God Bless

  2. It's a figure of speech.  

    I've been through some difficult and trying times but nothing that I would refer to as "h**l on Earth."  Based on descriptions others have given, it seems to refer to being in a the midst of an extremely uncomfortable, difficult and seemingly impossible situation or circumstance.

    h**l is a real place and it's something that we don't experience during our physical lifetimes on Earth.


  3. Sometimes life feels like h**l on earth in our day to day living.  However, we are fortunate enough to get help if we are willing to do so.  

    Maybe the h**l on earth is the misfortune to lack the insurance to get that help so badly needed.  

    I could say my family life feels like h**l on earth at times.  However, in all actuality, it's the responsibilities that at times become over whelming.  Some how we manage to keep our heads attached to our shoulders when some one comes up to you and says thank you or I love you.  The h**l on earth seems to disappear, for awhile anyway.

    Responsibilities do become over whelming at times for everyone, but isn't that part of life.  No one said it was going to be easy.  h**l on earth is what you perceive it as.

  4. h**l?, on earth is trying to read questions and answers written by people who can neither spell, or write a grammatically correct sentence!

    Well, how about misery on earth?, as I don't believe in the existence  of h**l or heaven!!

    My pain, and disillusionment are my own!

  5. It's a town. Well actually towns.

    One's in Norway, one's in Michigan, and one's in California.

  6. the scars on my body are proof of the h**l I walked through.  The echos of screams in to dark when I am alone are proof to me of the h**l I walked through.  The lives of the men that could not be saved because we could not get out after the burning roof buried us is proof of the h**l I survived.  I live with PTSS, but I live, and now I do so for God.

  7. I like Heaven...and I believe in a heavenly life and after life...

  8. Yes, I have.  It wasn't something that was done to me, but rather something I brought on myself.  I think that was the worst part--that it was MY fault.  I betrayed a friend.  I'll forgo the details.

    The h**l?  It killed me.  I still remember the exact moment that I snapped.  The pain was so intense...that was the h**l.  I could never do it justice by words.  But suddenly it was too much, and it was like a circuit breaker in my head flipped.  There's only so much one person can take.  But I changed after that.  I was never the same again, nor do I want to be.  Even h**l has its good points.

  9. yes, it started when i said ,i do............................

  10. I believe for me, it's being in constant thought about my sins, and stressing about if God will forgive me. That upsets me very much. I'm trying to lay off of that thought so much. I do have faith, but I don`t want to oppress myself. I might just go clubbing to let out some stress. just kidding, lol

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