
What is holding Dale JR down ... or who?

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I think it's Tony Jr.

The strategies they've had were just aweful ... bad calls after another. He wasn't going to win them all but he should have finished a lot better.

Right now, he's number 3 in his own team. Jimmy and Jeff are both champions already and are in contention again. Next year, Mark joins them and i'm not sure who will be the number 3 driver in the team.




  1. I think it's Dale Jr's lack of talent? Ok? You can't blame other people for his whole career and now is the time you man up and realize that Jr. is nothing great

  2. Jr is already better than he was last season... it just takes time to get the chemistry right among teams in Nascar.  Dont be too worried, Jeff was awesome last year and he is really having problems this year.  Jeff has the same type of stuff that Jr has, so it no real indication of how JR career is going to turn out... He is working with a lot of new people, and his relationship with Eury Jr is pretty strange, but Mr. Hendrick wouldnt have allowed his presence if he did not believe in him...

    The way to win the championship is just to be consistent... right now Jr has been doing that... He will no doubt make the chase, and then anything can happen from there!

    Dont worry, he will be just fine with Hendrick.  

  3. --the person who put the pen in jrs.hand that signed

    this bait-and-switch HMS contract [that probably offered

    jr. the moon instead a pocket full off rocks]--and  jr. for

    signing it.

  4. excuse me but i'm pretty sure jr. is the number 2 driver on that team considering the only guy who is in front of him is johnson.

    as for eury, you could look at it that way, and you're probably right. But who else is gonna do it? It may not always seem like it, but Eury and dale just click. Not in the way Zippy and Tony, and Chad and Jimmie do, but Jr. wouldn't go better with anyone. Not a lot of crew cheifs can take what Jr. dishes out on Eury Jr. over the radio.  

  5. it's called a contract.  jr. is still reeling from a

    series of bad decisions he made going in with

    HMS. he's a dead man.

  6. Your bringing me down man!

    But your probably right on this one.

    I  agree with you 100%

    I totally feel what your saying.

    Maybe some valuable lessons are being learned here.

    It's more like a wait and see situation.

    I think something cool is going to happen though.

  7. I have read plenty of articles this past week on line and away from this one to see what is or was being said about Jr and Jr. I was rather disgusted with last weekends decisions leaving the winning car way behind at the end. (proving once again not always does the best car or driver win). I was angry at Tony again and thinking he should just hang it up. But how true it is that when in the car Jr is not the humble quiet man we see before or after the race. He and Tony both want to win and to do that these days you either have to drive beyond the edge and hope luck is on your side or use stragety which is vulnerable to bad luck or timing. If your lucky enough to get both combined in one race you win. If not you either find consistancy or a few finishes outside the top 10. Jr/Jr have had one win from the second and countless top 10/5's = consistancy. So Jr/Jr while going for the win every time have managed to run better this year than in years past.

    Maybe, just maybe Tony has been trying things out for the chase before the chase to see what works and what doesn't so when the chase starts he has his book filled with good moves instead of maybe's giving them the edge needed. When the chase starts what you have done on the track before it really doesn't matter anymore. Bonus points can melt away in one race.   I think I will hold off the bashing of crew cheif until I see the end results in Homestead, even then where do I have that right?

  8. Tony Eury Jr has had a long history of making bad calls. When he adjusts the cars he does it in too big of steps. The most successful crew chiefs that I have noticed were ones that make little changes during the race. This has been happening ever since Tony Eury Sr stepped down and let Tony Jr become Dale Earnhardt Jr's crew chief. Dale Jr was at his best when Tony Sr was crew chief.

  9. i will say it again he has a very slow pit crew.  In indy he lost 16 spots on the last 2 stops. the good Teams gain on the last stops.  he races back to the front and the pit crew drops him back.  Give him jimmy's crew which is much better and lets see what happens when jimmy looses all ther spots on pit row  

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