
What is holographic interferometry???

by  |  earlier

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The study of control by rays. The opposition to ray beam control to attempt to get people to do something ought to be in some kind of Declaration of Independence from the cyborgs




  1. I don't know what you are smoking but can I have some?  You can keep the tinfoil hat though.

  2. Holographic interferometry is when you make a hologram of something, then you superimpose the hologram directly on top of the object after that object has undergone some change. Interference patterns will show up where changes have occurred.

    For example, say you want to heat up a dinner plate, and you know that the plate changes shape slightly when heated. You want to know exactly where the changes happened to the plate.

    So when the plate is at room temperature, you make a hologram of the plate. Then you project the hologram directly onto the plate. Since the plate hasn't changed, the hologram and plate look exactly the same, and you just see the plate as it normally is.

    Then (while the hologram is still projected onto the plate), you start to heat the plate, and the plate changes shape slightly. Wherever the changes occur, there will be dark rings that show up on the plate. The dark patterns tell how much the plate has changed shape.

    The nice thing about this is that it is pretty simple, non-destructive, and extremely sensitive to changes. You can see very small changes happen (in real time) even on the order of a hundredth of a millimeter (or smaller!).

    But it can't control your mind. Or the mind of cyborgs. Cyborgs can only be controlled via the "brown note".

    You'll get more responses in the physics section on this question.

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