
What is home schooling means? also what is the difference between home schooling and public school?

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What is home schooling means? also what is the difference between home schooling and public school?




  1. Home school = School at home usually taught by a parent but could be an on-line course, of self driven book course.

    Public school = A school set up to send your kids to. They are indoctrinated and spoken at all day by college trained (hopefully) teachers. They are extremely interested in teaching only the state religion and how to be corporate drones. You are not allowed freedom of choice or to be an individual. A place where you have to walk through a metal detector to be safe (and it just might work but still we have school shootings).

    I said spoken at because that is how it feels. The teachers don't hold conversations and speak to you because a conversation might allow free thinking and (gasp) a debate on controversial issues.

    OK enough of my opinions!

  2. Homeschooling is getting your education at home, and out in the community, rather than at a public (government run), or private school.

    The differences are that at home, you can go at your own pace, study courses you want to study (within the rules of your state), have a lot more time in the day to work on projects or volunteer in the community, etc.  You are typically taught by your parents, but other family members may teach you, or you might be taught online from someone else.  You get to enjoy activities with other HS'ed students - many more than the public schooled students do.

    In public school, education is an assembly line type of "production".  Government hired teachers teach you.  You are placed in grades according to your age level (1-2 yrs difference) and are "spoon fed" the information.  If you don't understand something, the class moves on.  If you already know a topic, you have to sit in class and get bored.

    Those are the main differences, from a HS'ers point of view.

  3. Homeschooling is where your parents buy or locate materials and teach you at home.

    Here's a comparison of homeschooling and public school:

  4. Homeschooling is a form of education where the parents/child/family make the choices about where, how and who will teach the children.

    Homeschoolers, contrary to what you may read here, do not sit at home all day.

    Don't know why we call it homeschooling - we're hardly ever home.  

    Public school places children in classes sorted by grade and ability, using is a state-controlled curriculum taught by over-worked, underpaid, sometimes incompetent and abusive teachers.

  5. Home School is just as the name implies - It's school done at home.

    Home Schooled children usually turn out smart since 100% of their teacher's attention are given to them; thus, preventing any unnecessary knowledge from entering or developing within the child's mind.

    The disadvantage of being home schooled, however, is that the child is prohibited or is unable to develop plausible social skills. As crude as this may sound, a huge percentage of what we know as human beings comes from other people. We learn lots of stuff from our classmates, schoolmates, bus driver, school guard, janitor, teacher's, principals and so on.

    Plus, being able to communicate with other people is a necessary skill in this world.

    I do think, nonetheless, that a mixture of both should be better than both of them, separated. Early years of the child should be home school and from Puberty up to his/her teenage years, Public (or private) should be where his/her school is.

  6. "preventing any unnecessary knowledge from entering or developing within the child's mind."

      That's right. Homeschool children are kept in specially built isolation chambers that only allow one way communication. Sure, they get pruny and pale, but that is the price you pay for TOTAL THOUGHT DOMINATION!

    *Shakes fist like Cobra Commander*


    What a bunch of stuff and nonsense. Do people ever think these things through rationally before they post them? How exactly would one prevent information from entering a mind? Are there special filters for that? I envision coffee filters and rubber bands around my daughter's ears and maybe a tin foil hat.........   Yes, that's going to look swell with her denim jumpers ;)

    I cannot believe I used to get mad, when I could have been laughing.

    To answer the original question: HS is just that, home based education. It can be hands on, online, structured, free form etc. The parents or other family members may be the teachers. There can be tutors, dual enrollment or other outside classes. Many homeschooled kids enjoy community events, clubs, hobbies, sports and religious groups. There are co-ops, where another homeschool teacher agrees to teach one subject to the children of a few families in exchange for someone else taking on the responsibility for another subject.

    I hope that helped.

  7. HS Mom has it pretty much covered. You'll always have people go on about 'the socialization issue' but it is totally bogus. For one thing, socialization means "the process of learning one’s culture and how to live within it" which you don't do in school! What they mean of course is they think you won't have any friends, as if home and school are the sum total of the world and you couldn't possibly interact with people anywhere else.

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