
What is home-schooling?

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I know home-schooling is an education system in wich students don't go to tradicional schools instead they study at home. My question is, do parents teach their children or parents hire a private teacher that goes everyday to your home to teach you? If they have to hire a private teacher i'm assuming they are millionaire.




  1. Homeschooling is usually taught by the parents, and you don't have to be a certified teacher to do it.

  2. Homeschooling is when one is schooled by their parents, usually, at home. I love being homeschooled, and at a convention last year there were statistics that said that homeschoolers are much better socializers than public/private schoolers. also, homeschooling costs the state much less than public schooling does. Usually homeschoolers are part of a group that the state funds so the parents aren't paying for all of it.

    Hannah M.-No wonder you have so much time to be doing Yahoo!Answers

  3. I was homeschooled from age 8 onwards. My parents could no longer afford the private school so brought me home. My mum has homeschooled me ever since then and I'm not at university in my last year of my degree. You don't need to hire a private teacher. I've had a few tutors hired over the years to help with subjects such as statistics and english - poetry, essay writing etc.

  4. Its when a parent or tutor or teacher or some person teaches u stuff at home instead of at shool

  5. It is when a parent or tutor teaches the child.  In most cases I think that the parent does the teaching and then can call in a tutor if the subject is too difficult for them to understand.

  6. There are as many answers to your question as there are homeschoolers.

    A parent/parents who teach their child a traditional curriculum at home are doing what is called "school at home."  This is the picture many people have of homeschooling.

    The problem with this picture is that it covers only a fraction of the homeschooling experience. Even fewer families hire tutors.  Many parents and students direct the educational experience in such a manner that the student does very little of his learning at home - he is out and about in the community most of the day.

    Therefore, there is no one answer to your question.

  7. if your parents have a degree for teaching than they can teach you or they can hire a private teacher. it cost alot for a private teacher

  8. Homeschooling can be whatever the parents wants it to be (assuming the law in their state or country allows it).

    In my state, homeschooling legally means that the parent must "direct" the education.  This can mean that the parents do all of the actual teaching.  Or they can use an online or correspondence classes that they supervise.  Or they can get together with other homeschoolers in co-op classes where the parents share teaching duties.  Or they can use classes that many cultural institutions (such as museums, zoos, botanical gardens, libraries, and others) offer.  Or they can hire a tutor.  Or they can use a combination of any of these--whatever works for them and their child.

    Most homeschoolers are far from millionaires.  Most of us have one parent who isn't bringing in an income, or is only bringing in a small part-time income, since that parent has too much time committed to educating the children to have any time left over for some other job.  But most of us have found that we can get along with only one income if we are careful.  (Personally, we don't buy a lot of non-essentials, don't get new clothes unless the old ones really can't be used any more, use thrift stores, rarely eat out, recycle a lot, etc. but we've found that our quality of life is much better than that of many people around us with more income.)

  9. In my family's case: Neither.

    My siblings and I are unschoolers therefore no-one 'teaches' us anything.

    *Unschooling is also known as natural, child-led, interest-driven, auto-didactic or self-directed learning among other names. It is the type of homeschooling that doesn't use a fixed curriculum. It is not an imitation of schooling, but a continuance of the natural style of learning we all experienced before reaching school age, or before receiving any kind of teaching based on someone else’s agenda.*

    Our parents, along with other adults, act as our mentors but we learn by doing things for ourselves; so I guess you could say that 'real life' is our teacher, *grin*.

    btw, Home-education is what is *traditional* (humans have been home-educating their young ever since we first crawled out of the primordial soup!). Bricks and mortar schools are merely *conventional*.

  10. My two oldest neices were home-schooled, and their mom taught them.  I'd think hiring a private teacher would be very costly.  Probably most kids are schooled by ther parents.

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