
What is housing in Bordeaux like?

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council estates?


High rises?

Please help?!




  1. For exemle, my rent is 440 euros by month, and i live right in the centre.

    ANd it's not expensive, if you compare with others big cities.

    But for months, prices are inceasing because of the classification in Unesco world heritage site.

    And welcome to Bordeaux!

  2. like all big cities in France, Bordeaux is expensive. and it's not where you'll find the best to see and to eat. you can fly there from paris, spend 2 or 3 days, and then go to the Périgord.

    it is the area where foie gras is maid. but I know that only a few americans like it... But don't worry there are plenty if things to eat. it's a marvelous place, with castles and rivers it's very quiet. then from bordeaux you can also visit the atlantic coast all the way down to Spain.

    I hope helped you...

    if "housing" means living, buy a house, then Bordeaux is very expensive... try to buy a house in the country, it 's less expensive. if you look for a house build with rocks the price will be high too 'cause English people love the place and buy everything here...

  3. Definitely expensive. but perhaps there'll be cheap accommodations. Just inquire about that.

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