
What is human nature?

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Is it human nature to want less for others or is it human nature to want more for yourselves?

since human nature is used as an excuse for communism and equality not to work is it simply our nature to step over others? is it to be superior? or is it not even those things , but on a lower scale the longing for material possessions? is it convenient to ignore the lesser people? and is that an attribute to our human tendencies?




  1. Human nature is simply to survive and reproduce. There are only two reasons why people are nice to each other. 1: That person has something of value or desire. 2: they cooperate with the other person out of fear. As cruel as it sounds look at every relationship between people and you will notice that these are the common basis of every human relationship. We are animals in every aspect except for our ability to reasons over our emotional instincts

  2.      It is the mind, which decides the nature of the individual.  An ego filled mind wants every thing for the individual self. It suffers from jealousy at others prosperity as well as properties. The ego self dominates  all and would not like to become subservient to others.

         A noble mind cares for others, loves all equally, shares  with all and sacrifices at every possibilities. It considers the world as priority and the last priority is the individual self.  Truth, righteousness, peace, love and non violence are the cardinal principles of such mind. Sairam.

  3. To think for ourselves, or at least to believe in that illusion.

  4. look at some of the studies Jane Goodall did with chimpanzees. They act like humans so much it is frightening ... but their thinking is still very basic ..  So do we even have a human nature ... or do we go along thinking of ourselves as superior but really only have animalistic behaviors ... desires for power , things , acceptance in a group .. all things we share with chimps. Chimps also wage war and use tools.

    are we so different . Are humans different or do we follow basic animal behavior?

  5. I've never thought much about "lesser" or "greater" people since we are all human beings when we get to down to basics. The idea of superiority or inferiority belongs to those who have yet to find themselves by achieving their goals in life, of finding their niche so to speak and feel satisfied with what they are doing. To base it on comparisons is an artificial stance to take, in my opinion. In life if you have any genuine depth of character, you look for and need fulfilment, not merely a position that is high or low.

    Human nature can be compared to a 2-year old child whose only thought is for themselves. It is Nature's way of assisting the child to grow and develop as it must assimilate many things in the early stages until it reaches maturity. There comes a time when one's development is stable and we then consider how we can contribute to the world.

    The quest for material possessions in the end lead to little else than empty pursuits which only might satisfy for a time but are not enduring. A thoughtful person knows better than to be led down this path.

  6. I believe that most people care about others, It's just that we are so many and jet so few,. We can't even start to contemplate who needs and who don't, It's not just the obvious, that are in need, Your neighbor for instance, might be in great need, and since you don't know her/him you can't help, even if it's a smile, or a look of understanding, and then, there are those who prefer not to acknowledge that there is want next door, for fear of being turned down, by prideful individuals..

    what ever the circumstance we really don't know how to recognise want, and need..

  7. The behaviors you described are not Human at all, they are animal. If a monkey does it then how can it be called human?

  8. That's what separates the humans from the animals. Animals have the basic instinct to put themselves above all others, self preservation, in other words. Humans have the same instincts, but what makes us human is the ability to overcome that instinct and put other peoples' interests before our own.

  9. Ascertaining human nature is artificially differentiating ourselves from the nature of the world around us.  This is the basis of, and what led to, the invention of philosophy.

    So, you see, there may not really be such a thing as human nature which can be quantified.  This is why it is so difficult to define.  Your question does a good job at elucidating how much may or may not be involved in an explanation of the concept.
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