
What is ideal about an ideology which causes people to personally attack Conservatives?

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Liberals rioting in the streets of St.Paul, burning things, damaging cars, and attacking 80 year old men simply because of their ideology! What could possible be ideal about that?

Or, spewing nasty lies about Gov. Palin and her family? Not ideal, EVIL.




  1. Not evil, desperate.

  2. You do remember conservatives were for slavery and against women voting...? Or how they tore him apart for his preacher who doesn't even control him? I would go crazy to if a large group of people shouting "family values" "dont preach safe s*x it promotes s*x" turned around to say "it's family and private!" oh come on!

  3. They weren't liberals, they were anarchists... big difference my friend.

  4. They were self proclaimed anarchists. That's what they do, create anarchy. Don't confuse them with liberals.

    Anarchism is a political philosophy encompassing theories and attitudes which support the elimination of all compulsory government,[1][2][3][4] i.e. the state.  

  5. Hate filled morons.

  6. are you saying Palin is not under investigation for abuse of power?

    are you saying she didn't flip/flop on the "bridge to nowhere"

    are you saying that as a mayor, she didn't seek out federal earmarks?

    these are not lies.........

    by the way Conservatives have been attacking Liberals for years.  Did you forget how McCain once called Chelsea Clinton ugly???  What kind of a leader does that??????

  7. Yeah my radical brothers are disrupting the lame *** republican convention, I hope they catch that stinking jew lieberman and shove a foot up his ***!

  8. Gee, I don't know.  Why is anyone who didn't vote for "W" called a libturd even if they are a member of the Republican party?  

    What makes you think that these protesters were liberals?  They are jerks..and jerks are everywhere and of all ideologies.

    nasty lies about Palin are cruel, so are nasty lies about Obama, McCain and anyone else.  

  9. They're just afraid. They always have been.

    McCain and Palin are a threat to Obama and Biden. Oh yes, you might want to believe that Obama has already won this but he hasn't yet. There are still countless conservatives who will continue to support McCain and there is nothing that can change their minds.

    So leave it to the typical liberal mentality of resorting to complaints, violence, accusations and insults as a retort.

  10. Sounds like you need to vent.

    I think that the divide between liberals and conservatives has become too extreme.  I know people that have formed an unequal hatred toward the other party.  I was talking with a conservative I know and he made the comment that Obama was a American hating Muslim, which bothered me for a few reasons, first off there is nothing wrong with Muslims.  Second he is being feed lies which he believes.  He probably believes the lies because he grew up in a conservative family and he doesn't want to question information that agrees with his standpoint.

    I personal lean a bit more toward the liberal side.  I believe that we desperately need to teach people at a very early age to be more tolerant of other's opinions and beliefs.

  11. Because they believe they are exempt from the things they hate because they bring about the greater good. Some of the worst atrocity's in history have been caused by people who claim to have the best intentions... like the communists for example.  

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