
What is illogical but exists?

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What is illogical but exists?




  1. Paradoxes.

  2. From a certain point of view, if u have certain things that u believe in, then everything that exists will be logical.


  4. Democracy

  5. This could just be me but I'd say the fact that illogical and logical can be used to interpret the same thing.

    Marriage can be seen as an illogical and expensive mere ceremony fueled by romantic feelings and can also be a rather practical thing required to show people these two are committed to each other.

    Having children can be seen as illogical as the trouble you have to go through to raise them.....Oy! but without children, no future generation.

    Weird, ain't it? :D

  6. Well... life, basically.

    However, if we skip over the myriad implications of that one it's worth considering what you are actually asking.  

    You are presenting a paradox, of which there are numerous examples in science, space and nature.  Paradox may be where the limits of human understanding of two (or more) seemingly contradictory concepts collide and can, sometimes, allow us to perceive deeper meaning.

    Human capacity to comprehend is limited (on one level at least) by language, as Wittgenstein helped to demonstrate. Paradoxes could be viewed as a prism through which we can see glimpse beyond those limitations.

    Quantum Mechanics is an excellent example; founded on paradox while exploring possible foundations of the universe.

  7. Religion

  8. The history + people + love + ....(Everything)... + mind + time + life = Magic.

  9. nothing

  10. In the material world, nothing is illogical. Contradictions that we think we find have solutions, although these solutions may elude us temporarily.

    In our minds, the contents of our thoughts, including our goals can be illogical, even contradictory and competing. That is one reason why philosophy is so critical: it helps us live in a structured way so that we do not form goals that are ultimately in opposition to one another.

  11. Contradictions.

  12. love

  13. Love.

  14. Man burns in an over of sexual desire.  The less fuel you feed the fire, the hotter it burns.

  15. The British Royal Family.

  16. Love and unusual attraction...

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