
What is immigration laws for France or other French country?

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  1. Rillifane is right. I've had practically every visa France issues and it was tough.

    You can't really immigrate to France. Only if you're a relative and it's possible by marrying a Frenchman.

    There is no lottery like there is for the U.S. with Green Cards.

    There's also the PACS:

    (I put the Australian one because it's clearer!)

    You don't have to have a romantic relationship with the French citizen but they do have to take responsibility for you.

    Unemployment is high and employers are very picky about qualifications. Even with a great work record, they usually want local French qualifications.

    This is, taking for granted that you already speak the language. There are some English language jobs, specifically teaching English, but the choice is limited.

    Of course, you can work over the net...

    Lastly, you can avoid all this if you have any EU passport. Do you have a parent or grandparent born in an EU country? Contact that countries' consulate or embassy and see if you're eligible for citizenship. I know the Irish are quite liberal. It's not useful if they offer residency in their own country. That's not transferable unfortunately.

    Otherwise, you can come here on an expat contract but those are very restrictive and you would have to see about that through your employer.

    Good luck!

  2. The new Sarkozy Government is actually changing the law.

    And to say the the truth as I'm french, i'm not so aware of the details this new law for foreigners, but i have to disagree with the other comments, it was easy, to became French ... without using the 'legal way'.

    The fact was that if you 've spent 10 years in clandestinity in France, you automatically became a french citizen.

    That was schyzophrenic !!

    Wed's laws were also reinforce to avoid a pack of interested weddings. Now, you need to live 5 years together.

    They say they want a 'selected immigration' but I don't know what it means.

    The best is to call the consulate.

  3. Essentially you can apply for French citizenship after living legally in France for five years.

    The trick, of course, is to get permission to live legally in France for that five years.

    This is fairly easy if you're retired or independently wealthy. The French government has no problem with people with money coming to France.

    Its also fairly easy if you're a student seeking to study in France.

    The problems arise for people who want to come to France to find employment. Unemployment in France is very high and more job seekrs are the last thing they need. So the trick is to find a job BEFORE moving to France. If you can do that then your French or France based employer can clear the way for you to get a work permit.

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