
What is imperialism and its impact?

by Guest32320  |  earlier

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What is imperialism and its impact?




  1. impearialism is when a stronger nation takes over a smaller nations resources with/without force.  It's impact is the downfall of that nation

    mines better- pick me =(

  2. What is imperialism and its impact?

  3. Imperialism describe various forms of political control by a greater power over less powerful territories or nationalities.

    Many of us see clearly that there is bilateral collaboration in the so-called "war on terror" between the Democrats and Republicans as loyal representatives of U.S. imperialism. It is not Bush’s war, as an individual, but it is a war in which Bush has become the hated symbol of U.S. imperialism. U.S. imperialism has waged this war in the first place against the Afghani and Iraqi people and then against the oppressed peoples in Colombia, in the Philippines and elsewhere and finally within the "belly of the beast" itself, against the workers and oppressed nationalities within this U.S. multi-national state.

    Working class people, particularly in the USA but even elsewhere in the world, may not see through a maze of Madison Avenue style rhetoric about "patriotism", or "self-defense", or "defending our country against terrorism", especially in this time of mass media conglomerates in TV, magazines, etc. But working people live from paycheck to paycheck and we understand all too well the power of the "almighty dollar" in our own lives.

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