
What is important health, wealth or education?

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What is important health, wealth or education?




  1. If you are sick, the answer is health. If you are poor the answer is wealth. Education is only helpful to those with the brain to gain from it..

  2. health of course, as long as your healthy and happy you will always be fine

  3. Education because with education you can have both

  4. I'd say health is most important. You can't be educated or make money if you are dead. Also, many people in this world live in poverty or don't make a lot and live fine, per se. And who needs education? A lot of farmers back then didn't know a squat's worth of reading or writing. It's just not necessary.

    So health is most important.

  5. Health is wealth and education is the knowledge teaches how to to preserve the same.

  6. Sweat saves blood, blood saves lives, and brains save both.

    got it?

  7. wealth cos then you can afford to live healthy by eating healthy(which can be expensive) and also pay the health care bills.Good education as well doesnt come wealth is more important

  8. Health, education, and wealth in that order. You need health to do anything and enjoy your wealth. Education enables you to amass wealth in  a civilized way and lead a normal life. Wealth is essential for progress and helping others. So all are important

  9. Health. and you for forgot to the most important thing.........................HAPPINESS

  10. a proper education can help u improve health and give tools to becom wealthy

  11. Health is most important, and to maintain your health, you need to be educated enough to do so. You don't need to be rich to keep yourself healthy, but you will need some sort of income or currency to help piece it all together. That's economy for you.

  12. Education. That is good for your health and you might as well get wealthy!


  13. frst f al health, then education, n then wealth

  14. Most of us don't really choose one over the others. In fact, the more education one has, the more income one can expect to make over the course of one's life, and the longer the life expectancy. And the wealthy tend to provide for a solid education for their children.

    When you get right down to it, the choice usually comes down to something like "more education" or "not having to put up with this c**p anymore".

    "This c**p" covers a lot of ground, of course, from having to sit still in a classroom for hours at a time, to the humiliation of having your work judged and graded, to the personality of teachers and professors, to the forms and debt higher education seems to require these days. Some of us have to enter the working world for a time to understand what c**p really is.

  15. Health.

    a cave man lives without wealth or we can.but without good health we are now where.

  16. Of those three, I choose health.

    A healthy person can get educated and become wealthy, and even if they don't it is a joy to feel good and not be troubled with ailments.

  17. health.

  18. 1. Health

    2. Education

    3. Wealth

  19. All the three are equally important... you could never isolate it down to one of them.

  20. Health is formost and important for all. A healthy being can earn and learn.

  21. Wealth.  You can buy health and education is almost beside the point.

  22. um. can i pick all three?? un no huh. I think education is the most important. That is what will give you the most freedom and freedom = happiness.

  23. All three of them are important...but if I have to choose, I will choose "Health".

  24. health

    Sayings like -"Health is Wealth" and "In the Sound Body rests a Sound Mind"(Or something like that) have some reason behind them.

    what is d use of a Ph.D if u cannot get out of ur bed?

    Wealth is also of no use if u r mentally/physically sick

    Though all of these three are important, health clearly overshadows the others

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