
What is important qualification or capability?

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What is important qualification or capability?

Can any one elaborate on this?


Satya C. N.




  1. *In todays world , full of competition, its very necessary that u have good qualifications..... to get hired in the first place !!!

    If u are not hired, how can u display yr capability ?

    Secondly, today, PR [public relations } is more imp. than the work itself !!!!

    If u have good relations with yr boss or the people who matter in the organisation, then even with limited capability , we see people climbing high on the corporate ladder !!!

    While the so called experienced & capable people languish in the same position for years !!!!

    Sad state of affairs , but true !!!

  2. Sure. I can elaborate until the cows come home. It won't do any good until I know what you are talking about.


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