
What is important thing in your life?...!!!?

by Guest60912  |  earlier

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What is important thing in your life?...!!!?




  1. everyone i had over for dinner tonight.that is my world, and it is all i care for..

  2. my children... heres the reason why.

    They brought be joy when they were born,they brought me happiness as i watched them grow, they gave me strengh when i was weak, they wiped my tears when i was low,in return i did the same, i knew it was not all in vain,because i loved them and showed them i care, i know forever they will always be there. What could be more important than them?. ...


  3. nothing is important in my life anymore.  

  4. God is by far the most important thing in my life.

    I'm trying to live for Him everyday!

    also my family and friends are very important also.

  5. family

  6. wife...nuff said...

  7. my cat...nothings more important than the feeling i had when he was the size of my hand meowing and snuggling up. now hes a big cat who annoys me and scratches the furniture...but hes still important...probably why i'm single too...*sigh*

  8. In my life, the most important things are my friends and music.

  9. Jesus Christ first and the second is my special someone!

  10. Power.

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