
What is in Curry?

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I really don't know what curry is so could you help me out i only found out about curry from my graphic novels.




  1. Curry is essentially a spicy dish, usually with lots of gravy but also in drier forms, made with different spices and seasonings. It can be made using various meats & poultry, seafood or vegetables.

    There are many different types of curries based on different cooking methods & seasonings, ranging from the extremely mild beefstew-like Japanese curries, heavily seasoned Indian curries using predominantly dried spices (powdered form of coriander, cumin, fennel seed, cinnamon, cloves, fenugreek, chilli powder, turmeric etc), to curries using fresh herbs & spices (eg. fresh chilli, ginger, turmeric, lemongrass, galangal, shallots, kaffir lime leaves etc) in South East Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia & Singapore are famous for curry in that region). To thicken curries, Indian curries use plain yogurt, while SE Asian curries use coconut milk (which also imparts its own delicious taste & fragrance).

    Curry can be eaten with many different accompaniments eg. steamed rice, noodles, pasta, bread, Asian pancakes & pan-fried flat breads.

  2. Curry is a kind of spice,has very nice smell (for me)and yellow color,you can add it on some foods specially if they contain potatoes in them, and also on lentil soup and on pickles it makes them delicious .

  3. Hi, try for fantastic curry recipes and ideas

  4. It is a blend of spices.  cumin,tumeric,cardomom,chili, etc.

  5. curry can be made of any thing meat, vegetables

    spices, added while cooking so

    don't have to add anything while eating.

    it should taste perfect, when eaten.

    It would be better for you to go to an Indian

    restaurant, & taste it first, (of cause Mild),

    then you tell us how was it.

  6. get yourself onto bellaonline or allrecipies sites and you will find various curry recipies

  7. Curry is like gravy with different ingredients in it.

    To cook a curry...1st u need curry powder(made of of ground spices like cumin,dried chillies and others.)

    There are alot of variants in curry.It can be chicken surry, fish curry vegetarian curry and so on..

    To make curry, u saute onion,ginger,garlic, cinnamon,cardamon,anistar and add chicken and potatos and then add cury powder and water..and let it cook.At the end to make it creamier some add coconut milk...tats all...

  8. Curry is actually a broad term there are many different kinds of curry. You would have to be more specific.
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