
What is in a lethal injection?

by Guest66776  |  earlier

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I figure since you do a lot of research on the internet that you'll help me with this.




  1. In most states it goes like this:  First , Sodium pentothol to put the condemned to sleep,  Once they are asleep, the second agent, Pancuronium bromide is given as a paralyzing agent to halt breathing, finally potassium chloride is given to stop the heart.

  2. I'm not gonna tell u because u look like a mass murderer

  3. The injection is usually a sequence of drugs given in a set sequence, designed to first induce unconsciousness followed by death through paralysis of respiratory muscles and/or by cardiac arrest. The execution of the condemned in most states involves three separate injections (in sequential order):

       1. Sodium thiopental- an agent capable of rendering the person unconscious in a few seconds.

       2. Pancuronium- this would cause death by asphyxiation.

       3. Potassium chloride-  causes death by cardiac arrest.

    The drugs are not mixed externally as that can cause them to precipitate.

  4. The researchers found that the average concentrations of the anaesthetic sodium thiopental varied enormously per kilogram of body weight, from 10 milligrams to 75 mg

  5. In 1977, Oklahoma's state medical examiner, Jay Chapman, proposed a new, 'more humane' method of execution, known as Chapman's Protocol: "An intravenous saline drip shall be started in the prisoner's arm, into which shall be introduced a lethal injection consisting of an ultra-short-acting barbiturate in combination with a chemical paralytic."[6] After being approved by anesthesiologist Stanley Deutsch, Reverend Bill Wiseman introduced the method[7] into the Oklahoma legislature where it passed and was quickly adopted (Title 22, Section 1014(A)). Since then, thirty-seven of the thirty-eight states using capital punishment have introduced lethal injection statutes.[6] On 7 December 1982, Texas became the first state to use lethal injection to carry out capital punishment, for the execution of Charles Brooks, Jr..[8]

  6. An injection... That is lethal.

    :O! Shocker.

  7. It is a mixture of various harmful chimicals that can do damage to the human body in large doses.

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