
What is in a virgin strawberry daquiry?HELP!?

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What is in a virgin strawberry daquiry?HELP!?




  1. it means it doesnt have alchole in it.

  2. without alcohol....

  3. Strawberries.

  4. a virgin drink means hat there is no alchol in it!

    Hope this helps!!


  5. 1 ounce fresh lime juice

    3 ounces frozen strawberries in syrup (or fresh, if available)

    1 teaspoon sugar

    Cracked ice

    Fill a blender with cracked ice. Add lime juice, strawberries, and sugar. Blend until smooth, then pour into a chilled glass. Garnish with an extra strawberry (if you have one) or an orange slice.

  6. The virgin strawberry daiquiri is a cold, fruity nonalcoholic drink - perfect for summer barbecues or lawn parties. This recipe makes one serving.

    Chilled Cocktail Glasses

    Cocktail Shaker

    1/2 oz. lime juice

    1 oz. frozen strawberries

    1 tsp. sugar

    orange slice


  7. Gracie M nailed it, right to a T..

    There is no alcohol in it..

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