
What is in cigars?

by  |  earlier

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I heard there is nicotine, is that true? I thought it was only tobacco. If there is nicotine then why, because you dont inhale the smoke. Can cigars be addicting? Also what do you think of cigar smokers? thanks




  1. Cigars are mostly tobacco and you supposedly do not get lung cancer since you do not inhale.  You can get some cancers in the mouth and throat.  They do have nicotine which you can absorb in your mouth and there is increased tars.  I think cigars are adcicting but not everyone agrees with me.

  2. 3 kinds of tobacco,a small ammount of starch and lots of nocotine you do not have to inhale but why smoke if you dont inhale ,its like chewing on a bite of steak then spitting it out instead of swallowing it ,people who smoke cigars do get addicted to them and because of the volume of smoke this happens much quicker than it does with cigs (which are vile and evil),as are most of the ppl that smoke them,ao just because you dont inhale(haha) does not mean there is no nicotine .tobacco=nicotine .thats just the way things are -live with it

  3. Nicotine....Yes       You inhale some....Addictive....Yes    Some people don`t mind...some do.  My advice       don`t  get involved     PEACE

  4. there is nicotine but mostly tobacco.

    i know ppl that are addicted to cigars, so yes id say they are addicting. but the addiction doesnt grow as fast as it does with cigs.

  5. Tobacco contains nicotine; if there is tobacco...then there is nicotine.  Smoking a stoggie is about the stupidest thing on earth.  The cigar smokers inhale or lie, and it is harsh stuff!  Just go ahead and kill yourselves without making us come in contact with your smoke or smelly person!
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