
What is in front of the big bang? ?

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As the Universe expands exponentially in all directions, what is the the space that it is taking over?

If theoretically, you were standing in front of the big bang, would it be possible to dodge or duck under the big bang and be pushed to the side or beneath it?

What will be left after the universe folds on itself? Will it be the same material or same nothingness as there were before its creation?




  1. Chupa doesn't want the Big Bang to be real.  On behalf of all the evidence that indicates it is indeed real, I apologize to chupa.

    Now then, you ask a very intriguing question.  You phrased it in a very interesting way, because it makes one think: the margin of the Big Bang must also be the functional edge of the universe.  I am reminded of an episode of Futurama where the gang actually visits the edge of the universe and sees their doppelgangers in the next universe over staring back at them (wearing Mexican cowboy outfits, if I remember correctly).

    The REAL universe doesn't have an "edge" or an "outside", however.  At least, it doesn't have one in three dimensions.  That's a very difficult concept for us to grasp because we are completely restrained to moving and thinking in three dimensions (well, four if you count time, but we can apparently only go one way through that dimension).  So how are we to prepare ourselves mentally for the challenge of thinking about something beyond what we can see.

    Short answer: we can't.  If we learn super-tough mathematical equations, we can describe higher dimensions in big scary numbers, but we are at a complete loss to imagine them.  Allow me to present an analogy, if I may.

    Let's suppose that somewhere, somehow, there is a two-dimensional universe printed on a sheet of paper.  All the inhabitants of that universe know is what passes through their two dimensional plane.  As the paper expands, they witness distant 2D galaxies rushing away from each other.  It would be a very strange existence by our standards, but they're cool with it.

    Now imagine that one of them, the super-smart physicist, comes up with a set of equations that postulates the existence of (gasp!) a THIRD dimension!  He tries to explain it to his 2D comrades, but the idea of depth is completely foreign to them and none of them will REALLY be able to comprehend what it's like to have something passing THROUGH the paper in which they live.  They also cannot comprehend that their paper may be expanding into this three-dimensional space.  Little 2D creationists will call it all hogwash and believe that the 2D God made the entire 2D universe exactly as it currently is.

    So...what is the universe expanding into?  Nothing...because there's nothing to expand into.  The entire universe is the limit of our three-dimensional way of life.  If something else exists beyond the universe, it is completely unknowable to us, just as the 3D space into which our hypothetical 2D universe expands is unknowable to the denizens of that universe.

    I hope that helps...or at least, I hope it entertained you for a bit.  Good luck!

  2. In front of the big bang, is a big pile of ****. Big bang theory is a retarded concept invented by jerks who had nothing better to do than to contemplate the meaning of string.

  3. In front of the big bang would be a big audience, full of perverts. Just kidding!

    The Big Bang wasn't an explosion in the usual sense. It was a change of state affecting a great deal of energy that had been recently enclosed by an event horizon. It may be that such changes of state occur naturally in aggregations of energy that large when they become dense to the point of near singularity. Or maybe the universe did become a singularity backward in time, but in the forward direction became a photon sea from which came quarks, gravitons and leptons, and the evolution that proceeded therefrom.

    So, no, you would not have been able to duck or dodge the Big Bang. You would have been inside it, and it would have been inside you, since the Big Bang made space in the first place as the medium for the potential energy involved in force interactions between bits of mass and energy that had recently become discrete.

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