
What is in your sixth house, and how has it influenced you personally?

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The house of work and health. Has the sign in your sixth house reflected in your work ethics and dealing with your colleagues and peers?

Mine is in Aries, and it is true that I am very ambitious and energetic when it comes to getting the job done. I have little patience for those that do not give their all in a project, and I will often end up taking the lead in a project and doing it myself. I can be a bit critical and hard to please, and am not afraid to show it.

How about you?




  1. Aquarius. I don't know how it effects my work or health. My mars is in the 6th house too which is bizarre because I hate work.........................and tend to slack off when I find it boring.

  2. I have Capricorn in my 6th house. I like to work at my own pace. Which is slow, steady, and everything has to be up to my standards which is Sometimes I tend to procrastinate a lot.. I'm very egotistical and I always set high standards for myself and others around me. And you know, I like to lead and never follow. If I'm like a follower, I'm like a really bad stubborn, not listening, and not playing by the team rules...and people hate me for it.

    And my health is good so far. Thank god.

    CAP IN 6th  

  3. Aquarius.................

    Saturn in Aquarius

    Long-term studies and, if family circumstances do not allow this, he will teach himself. He is serious and methodical in work. Likes to visit the elderly and intellectuals, who both enrich his mind.

    Weaknesses: bad luck, adversity, problems and disappointed hopes.

    Saturn in VI

    He is a worker, very steady in all he does. He likes precision, method. He is serious and likes continuity at work. He can focus on a job in the medical field, where he will probably be successful, as he possesses all the necessary qualities.

    That is me for sure.

    I have a job that requires detail and focus.Even the steps are not followed then you can fail.I stay focused and also research to improve.

       I am hard working and love the final outcome.

    Everyone at work knows that I fail they fail so we work together to finish and get resources to help each other.

        I also have the passion for the job and they see it....................This is all I have,the rising sign is Leo

  4. Mine is in cancer. I have subtle ways of getting what I want. But I usually get what I want without any troubles or oppositions.

  5. Hey Rach,

    My 6th house is in Aries too, without any planets in it. I feel similar, have little patience for slackers and usually end up taking the lead

    edit: Sorry I'd say more but I'm not feeling well today, and I'm super bored. But I see that there is a lot of six housed Aries here, that's interesting

  6. lol alot of people here have theirs in aries, i also have 6th house in aries . . .

    and what you said above describes me to a T . . .

    my motto is, "if you want a job done, do it yourself, its the only way your going to get it up to your standards"

    i have my moon in 6th house . . . i love to mother, nurture and serve, and love to cook, but it also makes me a workaholic, and an emotional need to work, and be stable . . . i feel if i do a job, i have to do it propely, otherwise it will eat me up inside, i want to fel useful and needed . . . but this aspect also makes me very sensitive, i feel not needed when someone says they don't need any help, while my aries 6th house, wants me to just take over and get it over and done with . . .

  7. I have aquarius in the 6th house. In terms of work I can be rather lazy, I'm a terrible procrastinator and leave everything to the last minute. I'm afraid I'm probably the kind of person you would offering constructive criticism to =p. In exams I usually get A's so I guess I'm lucky that the night-before cramming works for me anyway! I'm not sure if the 6th house has influenced this a lot or not though, I haven't looked into it much.

    My asc node is also in the 6th house but I'm not sure what that means.

  8. Hey Rach

    Mine is in Taurus.

    When I have something that I feel needs to be done, nobody can possibly stop me from doing it. But, I have to feel like it's worth doing, otherwise, I just go about it acting lazy. I'm usually the artistic one in the group. The one that's good with words and drawings.

    I don't get sick often. In fact, I can't think of a time I got sick this whole year. I guess that's a typical fact though.  

  9. Mine is in Aries too but I have no planets in it.

    Well, you just about described how I am, but I'm not critical, although I should be with Mars in Virgo, I think? I dunno, but I'm never critical because when people are critical towards me I tend to strike back. Also to me, criticizing isn't necessary, I prefer to let others realize their mistakes but if they don't than that's their loss.  

  10. My 6th house cusp is Pisces, and I have Pisces Sun, Mars, Venus, Pars Fortune and Lilith in conjunction. (I still have not learned what the Lilith placement means for sure.)

    I didn't plan to follow what my chart suggested, but it is interesting that so far I have done work suggestive of what is said about these placements. I started out as a physiologist, but after a while I decided that I did not want to work in a medical profession for the rest of my life. I went back to college and decided to go into physical sciences such as engineering. Long story short, I started my own business long ago, and my profession touches on what all is indicative of Sun, Mars and Venus conjunctions.

    colleagues and peers: I get along with most of them since we work together on many jobs, and we've developed a good relationship over time.

    Yes, the planets therein reflect on my work ethic as well. I do not ever play the lottery or gamble because I have always felt that hard work was the only way to become and stay financially solvent. I never ask my employees to do anything that I would not do, and I consider my employees as family.

    Edit: I was reluctant to talk about health matters, but I will just say that what is said in the better astrology books about Sun, Mars and Venus in conjunction in the 6th house is very accurate.

  11. QR - This is a good astrology question. I will need to defer the exact information. One reason is that this is one house that is quite involved with aspects for me and TMI ;)

    Scorpio ruling this cusp

    In short - due to the aspects (neptune and 12th house) I have learned to ask for second opinions on diagnosis. I am very hard to diagnose in illnesses - my symptoms are never textbook (long story)

    In work - I need no immediate supervision - if anything I am a workaholic.(scorp/Mars/Pluto and 12th house aspects) As a result, I have learned to establish boundaries over the years. Ethics and meaning in my job are important or I leave. It is also important that what I do is helpful to the company, my coworkers and the clients. I have a knack for attention to detail and doing things as efficiently as possible. When I am at work I am all business. I leave it behind when I leave for home (or I have a propensity for the workaholic thing). I am very creative at work and companies have used this to their advantage (Neptune). I avoid micro managing but I do expect my employees and co workers to meet deadlines.

    OK - I better stop - TMI - again - you picked a busy house on my chart :))

  12. I have Leo in the 6th.

    I focus most of my attention on work and I do, indeed, tend to take center stage there (I'm an instructor, so that's where I'm supposed to I do expect lots of attention at work (again, I "perform" for my students, in a sense) and I do tend to dominate the classroom (I'm expected to...) I don't try to dominate my fellow instructors, as I learn quite a bit from them.

    So, in my case, the house fits.

  13. sagittarius is in the 6th house for me

    I have no idea what this does for my work other than the planet neptune is here and it's my only fire planet so when I'm at work I am a take charge and get into and don't complain person.  The only time I will is if someone is not pulling their weight.  I have gotten into 2 fights over at 2 different jobs over people slacking off and not doing their job.

  14. I have mine in Aries too , and yes i'm everything you said plus i'm not the cooperative type , either the leader or alone . I am critical , but not in the harsh way because when i criticize that's because i want the job to be done in the best way possible , without causing a serious hurt to those around me.

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