
What is inclusive policy?

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What is inclusive policy?




  1. Keeping special needs kids in the mainstream classroom as much as possible?

  2. In terms of children's services, Inclusive Policy generally refers to incorporating all aspects of children's cultures and lifestyles into the centre.

    It relates to gender, ethnicity, religion, culture, differing abilities and much much more.

    This could mean that rather than just incorporating the dominant culture (generally white, anglo and physically able), ensure that your centre is reflective of all cultures. This could mean having books about different types of families, rather than those with 2 parents and 2-3 children etc, or including indigenous art and stories into routines and experiences, and so much more.

  3. Inclusion is recognizing our universal "oneness" and interdependence. Inclusion is recognizing that we are "one" even though we are not the "same". The act of inclusion means fighting against exclusion and all of the social diseases exclusion gives birth to - i.e. racism, sexism, handicapism, etc. Fighting for inclusion also involves assuring that all support systems are available to those who need such support. Providing and maintaining support systems is a civic responsibility, not a favor.

  4. "Mainstreaming is like visiting. Inclusion is belonging" from a great online store/advocacy spot

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