
What is indifference curve?

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What is indifference curve?




  1. Simply put, an indifference curve measures your level of satisfaction.

    For example, suppose you have $100 to spend and could buy lots of different things. An indifference curve would show all your various alternatives that would equally satisfy you.

  2. Indirrrence curve is the curve that joins the points representing those different  quantitative combinations of two goods that give the same level of potential satisfaction (or utility) that is expected to be derived  from consumption of these different baskets by a  particular / hypothetical consumer. It is a diagram depicting equal levels of utility (satisfaction) for a consumer faced with various combinations of goods. An indifference curve in microeconomic theory is a graph showing different bundles of goods, each measured as to quantity, between which a consumer is indifferent. That is, at each point on the curve, the consumer has no preference for one bundle over another. In other words, they are all equally preferred. One can equivalently refer to each point on the indifference curve as rendering the same level of utility (satisfaction) for the consumer. Utility is then a device to represent preferences rather than something from which preferences come. The main use of indifference curves is in the representation of potentially observable demand patterns for individual consumers over commodity bundles .

    Indifference curves have specific properties but that is beyond the scope of your question.

  3. indifference curve is open and inviting...

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