
What is inflammatory gum means?

by Guest64761  |  earlier

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How to treat inflammatory gum and how one gets inflammatory gum? What are the symptoms of inflammatory gum?




  1. Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease)

    Gum disease — also known as periodontal disease and periodontitis — is an inflammatory condition affecting the tissues surrounding a tooth, and is the leading cause of tooth loss. Gingivitis is a bacterial infection of the tissues in the mouth and potential precursor of gum disease.

    As a gum infection progresses, the bone tends to recede; the gums may or may not recede. In some cases, the root of the tooth becomes exposed, occasionally causing tooth sensitivity. Furthermore, pus may be produced, and pockets may form between the gum and tooth.

    The Signs of Gum Disease

    • Bleeding gums during tooth brushing or otherwise.

    • Sensitive, red or swollen gums.

    • Bad breath.

    • Teeth that are loose or appear to have shifted.

    If you see or have one or more of the above symptoms contact your dentist right away.

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